lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

La Brigada 313 de Al-Qaeda Central emite comunicado "Operation Silence or Slaughter"

La Brigada 313 de Al-Qaeda Central, ha emitido éste comunicado en inglés sobre el silencio de los acontecimientos del 2007 en Islamabad.
La Brigada 313 emite desde el Punjab y Kachemira.

El comunicado se publica sin cortes, tal como se ha publicado en la web oficial-cerrada, con el único fin de mejorar la información y nada más.

Operation Silence or Slaughter

The operation silence enacted on 3rd July 2007 covers a gory drama of death and destruction, where many innocent ones, mainly female who had taken shelter in Jamia Hafsa as many of them had lost their kith and kin in the great calamity that fell on Azad Kashmir due to earthquake of colossal magnitude. These students, having an abiding love for God and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) took shelter to protect themselves not only from the vagaries of nature but also crimes and atrocities that are rampant in society against women-folk. They were in the abode of peace but ironically their hopes and dreams where shattered. The so called Operation Silence cut short their lives and they were buried in the darkness of nights into graves, how many in one grave only God Knows. A tragedy of this magnitude is inconceivable. When human beings are slaughtered for no folly of their own, it makes death very poignant. This tragedy can be likened to that of Krbala. The female students in their pursuit of learning underwent incredible deprivations- food and drinking water. They hoped that some Messiah will come and relive them of their agonies, which were mounting everyday. No one came to their rescue. A military operation was launched under the orders of General (R) Perveiz Mushraf, who wanted to prove his loyalty to the super power USA, no matter how many deaths and destructions it caused. Attempts for negotiation with the caretakers of Madrissa was made and there was every possibility that the inmates of the Jamia Hafsa will find a save passage. But the sadistic impulse of the President prevailed and indiscriminate firing and emission of lethal gasses killed incredible number of young female students and even children. The worst tragedy was that no one is aware of, as to how many deaths had occurred. It is generally assumed that numbers were considerably high and that it could be around several hundreds. The parents and well wishers of those who were killed were deprived of even not knowing where there loved ones were buried.

The saga of Violence is so painful that one can hardly capture the quantum of calamity that fell on this institution, which was for imparting religious education. Muslims killing Muslims and mostly helpless female students is a tragedy which has no peer in history; perhaps, even non Muslims could not stoop to that degradation, which our soldiers so called protector of our ideological frontiers had demonstrated.

When an atrocity crosses a certain limit, Allah the Almighty has His own system of retribution, and such ghastly acts do not go unpunished. Whatever shall happen to them in the world hereafter is not known but even in this world the evil doers hardly thrive. Examples of Hitler, Stalin, and Changiez Khan and many more who met their fate in this very world. In the recent history of the subcontinent, when the former East Pakistan was separated from the western part thousands of innocent women and children were subjected to incredible torture and inhuman atrocities. Three persons who were responsible for this great massacre met their deaths is a lesson for others to learn. Mrs. Indira Gandhi the Prime Minster of India, Sheikh Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman of former East Pakistan and Z.A Bhutto of Pakistan all met their ends in a very grievous manner. Indira Gandhi lost her two sons besides her own self, who got killed by her own body guard. Sheikh Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman the founder of so called “Sonar Desh" was killed and his dead body was left lying for hours, as no one came to perform the rituals required for a Muslim to be buried. Z.A Bhutto lost his two sons and he himself was hanged by a dictator. What is intended to convey is that human tragedies are not condoned by the creator. A super power like America met with humiliating defeat in Iraq because millions of Iraqi children, men and women were killed for no fault of their own. The attack on Afghanistan which was without any moral basis again is turning into quagmire for the Americans and their defeat appears eminent. Similarly killing people in the tribal areas of Pakistan is again going against them, as the US and NATO forces are meeting with great losses and in times to come if they do not relinquish their wanton attack, they will encounter a tough resistance and even defeat.

The Islamic resistance is a force which can not easily be subjugated unless freedom and justice is delivered to the people whose land is occupied by foreign troops. For example Israel was humbled by Hezbollah, the occupation of Iraq by US forces and now in Afghanistan they are meeting with ominous defeat. Those who love freedom, and are ready to pay any price, can not easily be subjugated.

All these illustrations testify that truth and justice ultimately prevail. Pakistan is getting its retribution is term of acute shortage of drinking water and food, as these were denied to the poor girls confined into Jamia Hafsa. One may also look at the fate of the dictator ordered the Army operation. Around 80% people of Pakistan’s have expressed their hatred for him. He is a President without any support from the people of Pakistan. Though he is being protected and supported by George Bush, who himself is the worst terrorist one can think of. He is hated all over the world. History will never forgive Mr. Bush or Gen. Mushraf for their crimes they have committed against humanity.

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