miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Statement of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Regarding the Baseless claims and futile Propaganda

A few days ago, Washington Post made a claim on the basis of unauthenticated and unfounded report that some high-ranking officials of the Islamic Emirate , consisting of 15 persons, held secret talks with the Kabul regime on the instruction of the leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Following that, some Afghan and world media outlets reported that talks between the delegation of the Islamic Emirate and the officials of the Kabul regime were in progress in Serena Hotel in the capital Kabul.
Last Monday, the Head of the Kabul puppet regime, Hamid Karzai, in an interview with the American TV network, CNN, repeated the said futile rumors, saying he had held talks with the delegations of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan for the past few months and that the process was still continuing.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as in the past, refutes these futile claims and baseless propaganda and believes that it is a part and parcel of a regular psychological warfare of the enemy. The Islamic Emirate wants to make it clear once again that such propaganda is usually projected and circulated by media outlets. Practically, the enemy has never contacted the leaders of the Islamic Emirate, let a lone holding any kind of talks with them. Nor any effort has been made by the enemy directly or indirectly to initiate contacts with the leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan assures the Muslim and Mujahid people of Afghanistan and all the Ummah that the Islamic Emirate will not accept any kind of negotiation or ceasefire with the invading enemy until and unless the invaders have not pulled out of Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirate has always explained its unwavering stance regarding the negotiation and versus the futile and hackneyed propaganda of the Americans and their surrogates.
If the talks have really taken place, then you should produce evidence to prove the participation of the delegates of the Islamic Emirate in the negotiation. But if you think that a minuscule numbers of former officials of the Islamic Emirate who have already surrendered to you, are the representatives of the Islamic Emirate or those who were at first detained by you and now are living in Kabul under surveillance are representatives of the Islamic Emirate and you usually present them for such purpose in public gatherings, then you should know that they are not the representatives of the Islamic Emirate nor the Islamic Emirate has given them permission to participate in these meetings or are authorized to represent the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

We urge the Muajhid people of Afghanistan and the Mujahideen, the vanguards of the strongholds of Truth, that you should have trust in your leadership and assure you that your leadership will not allow any one to trade on your blood and sacrifices by reaching any clandestine deal ( with the enemy). Similarly, the Islamic Emirate once again announces its posturing regarding the peace council constituted by the enemy. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan believes it is a contemplated endeavor by the enemy to distract attentions from the Afghan issue and mislead the opinions of the public because the Afghans and the public of the world have already shown their negative reactions and mistrust against the said maneuvering of the enemy.
We would like to make it clear that the stance of the Islamic Emirate is unequivocal and final regarding the negotiation—that is, holding negotiation with the enemy in conditions of their military presence in Afghanistan, is a waste of time. It is not only harmful for achievement of the goal of independence of Afghanistan and establishment of a true Islamic government but gives legitimacy to the current ( military) occupation of Afghanistan-- thus it is a historical disloyalty with the Mujahid people of Afghanistan and the beloved country.

If the foreign invaders and their local surrogates really want to come out of this losing war ; if they want to save their reputation and sleigh off the heavy economic burden from their shoulder, to put an end to the sufferings of the Afghans and end the war, then they should consider withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan. If the enemy , on the one hand, practically insists on continuation of the war in the battle fields but, on the other hand, merely disseminates propaganda and contradictory claims, about high level talks, then it will only contribute first and foremost to the enemy’s already losing credibility and authenticity in the eyes of the Afghans and the people of the world. Nothing more than this, they will achieve.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Official website of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban).

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