miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

'Bush must be held culpable for crimes'‎

Former US President George W. Bush has said he will not apologize for his mistakes in the 2003 Iraq invasion and defended his decision to allow torture of 9/11 detainees.

The following is Press TV's interview with former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney on the issue:

Press TV: Bush says although there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the decision to invade the country was the right one, what do you make of that given the fact that the war was launched on the premise that there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?

McKinney: I think our former president is shedding crocodile tears here. That is what we call it, when people say that they are sorry for something that has happened, but they do not really express remorse.

There is no remorse here. George W. Bush is as wrong now as he was a president. He should be brought [to justice] on charges and held accountable for his actions. The question is: Does the international community have the will to do this?

Press TV: In Britain, there are growing calls for Tony Blair to stand trial because of the Iraq war. Where does George Bush stand in here since he was the one who pushed hard for this war on behalf of the US leadership?

McKinney: George Bush travelled all over Europe, demanding of the leaders of the European countries to betray their own people and go to war [along] with the United States. So, if Tony Blair is held culpable, so too should George W. Bush.

Press TV: How different is Barack Obama, do you think he will face similar charges over the continuation of the Afghanistan war and its expansion to Pakistan and now possibly Yemen?

McKinney: Their war crimes have not stopped. Their crimes against humanity have not stopped. Their crimes against peace have not stopped. There are some people who will make a distinction between a Democratic Party war and a Republican Party war, but they are all the same with the same war crimes that are being committed. So, [the US President Barack] Obama follows in the steps of his predecessor George W. Bush.

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