Talking to reporters in Kabul, following his visit to India and Germany, Hamid Karzai, the Head of the Stooge Kabul Administration said that America desired to set up permanent bases in Afghanistan.
He said that they were negotiating with America in this regard. However, he said, such treaty if concluded, would be affirmed and ratified by the parliament. Previously an American senator Lindsay Graham had indicated that America should establish permanent bases in Afghanistan to allow it to remain there beyond 2014. But at that time, the Karzai Administration had denied its being engaged in the talks. Now it has been substantiated that a collusion had been going on since long clandestinely.
As the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has already rejected the notion of Lindsay Graham in this regard, calling it a wicked effort on behalf of the American colonialism, the Islamic Emirate once again declares to the Afghans and to all people of the world, its position regarding this colonialist project of America as under :
1. Afghanistan is under the occupation of America. No treaty and agreement has legitimacy in condition of occupation. These sham treaties do not reflect the aspirations and objectives of the Afghans.
2.The permanent bases in Afghanistan will turn our country into a de facto hotbed of American conspiracies. They will use these bases to change regimes in Afghanistan and the neighboring countries, utilizing them ( the bases) as instruments of pressures. Therefore, these permanent bases in Afghanistan stand in contravention to our Islamic and national interests and objectives. They can’t be acceptable.
3.In our view, America wants to keep us deprived of independence forever under the structure of permanent bases and usurp our natural resources. This is certainly an illegitimate venture.
4.The Americans installed those characters and figures in the so-called Independent Election Commission (IEC) as chief and members who are linked with the Americans and have sold their souls to them. The aim was that they would declare those well-known agents and elements as winners who have sold themselves quid pro que dollars. Then they would (easily) get approved the treaty of the permanent bases from the parliament.
All are aware of the fact that majority of those who have been declared as members of the parliament have links with America in one way or the other. They do not represent the aspirations of the people.
5.The Afghan Mujahid people neither accept any would-be treaty of the Karzai Stooge Administration with America regarding establishment of permanent bases nor accept their ratification by the so-called phony parliament. We do not differentiate between establishment of a few bases and occupation of the whole country.
6.America should know that no country in the region wants American permanent bases in Afghanistan. The establishment of permanent bases would mean inception of war against the region at large.
7.We call on all countrymen to join hands with each other in ( a knot of ) brotherhood against the invaders in order to thwart the nefarious plan of the enemy and protect the Islamic and national values. Foil the conspiracies of the invaders by siding with the Mujahideen with all your strength!
8 . The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan declares that the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate will continue its legitimate struggle and jihad until the attainment of complete independence of Afghanistan and establishment of an Islamic system there. The global colonialism will go to grave along with its ambitious plan of permanent bases, if God willing.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
NOTE: This material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban spokespersons . Posting of this material it is shared for information only.
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