jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Statement of Iranian Sahaba Movement regarding recent bomb blast

This is a statement issued by the The Sahaba Movemnt in Iran regarding a bomb blast which occurred near the city of Qom, it states:

"The Sahaba movement announces to all Iranian and Baloch people that brave sons of the movement blew up the gas pipeline, 70-meters away from Qom.

This was a warning to the Iranian regime, which intervenes in the religious affairs of the Sunni Muslims in Iran. and the movement ask the Iranian regime to stop interfering in Sunni Muslim affairs and stop execution of prisoners and release them as soon as possible otherwise the Sahaba Movement will intensifies its attaccks on Iranian barbaric regime.

The Sahaba Movemnt has determined to defend Sunni Muslims and consider their defense has a legitimate right because (Akhundi) regime in Iran kills innocent Sunnis and deprive them from their legitimate rights. Therefore, the only way for the regime is to stop the assaults and end the war against the Sunnis".

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