martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

The Spokesman of Kandahar’s Governor Should Admit Now , the Power is with Some one Else

New analysis from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan:

Spokesman of the Governor of Kandahar told media on May 22, that he was wounded by firing of American troops when he was trying to enter compound of the Kandahr governor’s office. He admitted, the security situation of Kandahr has been aggravated; the governor’s compound’s security is handed over to American forces, following the recent law and order situation. He further maintained, it was agreed upon with the American forces that all office-bearers of the governor compound must be exempt from body search during their entry to offices. But despite that, they frisked his body, backtracking on their agreement. Not only that. They shot and wounded him.

The ISSAF office also confirmed injury of the spokesman of Kandahar in a press release, maintaining their forces have responsibility for the security of the Kandhar’s governor compound and every one has to go through body search. None deserves an exception.

No doubt. the security situation in Kandahar is graver than what it is being portrayed by the officials of the Kandahar province. The crisis is spiraling up to its climax and the situation running out of control of the Kabul Administration. The State Apparatus is in shambles; government offices and installation are laying abandoned and even low rank employees are not willing to go to their offices for days and, at least, sign their attendance-sheet book, let alone the high-ranking officials who are staying away.

The man in the street can’t imagine having their grievances addressed by this miserable and crumbling Administration. Generally speaking, if a government and an administration is not able to protect himself or itself and has the only option to hand over security of the governor compound and other sensitive offices to American troops, then what credibility that specific governor or administration will have in the eyes of the common Afghans? How is it convenient for a common Afghan to have recourse to that administration for mitigation of his grievances in circumstances that every inch of the governor’s compound is being watched by American brutal and moron troops and every body, whether the government officers or civilians, are not exempt from frisking. In such a situation, the governor will not have the audacity to issue instructions on applications of grievances of the commoners ( for fear they will not be implemented.)

We urge the spokesman of the governor of Kandahar who has been bodily searched by the American troops in the very premises of the compound of the Kahdanar governor and is now smarting from an injury with blood stained( on his body) , that is it not your moral duty, a rationale step and your national responsibility to call a press conference and announce the Kandahar administration has collapsed. There is no law, nor writ of the law and the officials do not show up at their offices. This is because the American deem it their rights to body search the high-ranking officials and even shoot them.

It is clear like a broad day light that in view of the prevailing situation, the power rests with some one else. No Afghan with free conscience will ever find any parameter to call the Kabul and Kandahar Administrations as a national government or a regime.

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