viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

Zabihullah Mujahid: "33 American invaders killed as US helicopter shot down"

KABUL, Nov. 24 – A report from Kabul says Mujahideen shot down a US Chinook-like helicopter with rockets in Qara Bagh district, killing as many as 33 American invading troops aboard the helicopter on Thursday afternoon around 3:00 p.m. local time.

According to the report, Mujahideen were lying in ambush for such targets in a strategic point for quite awhile till they finally targeted a large military helicopter airlifting troops what is believed to be a deadly blow to the US invaders.

Similar attacks on US-NATO invaders’ aircrafts have been carried out in every part of the country; however, the US-influenced media has always called it technical problem in the aircraft or immediate landing and so on to cover up the Mujahideen’s successful attacks on the enemy’s aircraft that have always brought down the US-NATO aircrafts causing the enemy fatal losses.

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