miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

22 US-NATO invaders, 18 puppets, 47 security guards killed in Martyrdom operation; 35 trucks elimina

Qari Yousuf Ahmadi Wednesday, 06 June 2012 11:02

KANDAHAR, Jun. 06 – Several dozen of the foreign terrorist forces and their puppets were killed Wednesday a in martyrdom attack aimed at the facility belongs to logistics company Supreme near Kandahar airfield where thousands of foreign troops are based and which acts as a hub for operations across south Afghanistan. A martyrdom-seeking Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate, Janan, on an explosive-packed motorcycle hit the said facility outside the airfield at about 10:00 a.m. local time killing countless foreign terrorists and their cowardly local puppets, a Mujahideen official said, but he did not offered specific figures on the death and injury toll. According to the latest updates, as many as 22 US-NATO invaders, 18 puppets (ANA) and more than 47 security guards and drivers were killed in martyrdom operation hit the logistical terminal near Kandahar airfield on Wednesday. It is unbelievable how brazenly the enemy including local and western-influenced media lied about this all episode, claiming that the civilians were killed in the operation, while the martyrdom operation was carried out on the logistical terminal outside the airfield, a sensitive area where no civilians are allowed to get to, even no civilians can venture at the distance of about one kilo meter. No civilians, even one was killed or hurt in the successful martyr attack believed to be the deadliest single-day losses for the US-NATO and their puppets since “Operation AL-Farooq” began

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