domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Sheikh Mukhtar Roobo desmiente las informaciones aparecidas sobre la división o fisuras de Al-Shabab

Hace unos días la prensa occidental publicó la noticia de la división de Al-Shabab. Este blog, como es publica información que no esté contrastada por fuentes directas. La información debe ser veraz, para bueno y para malo.

Declaración del Sheikh Mukhtar Roobo "Abu Mansoor" publicada en mogadishuman:

Roobow: Relationship with Al-Shabab Still Robust

‘We wish to inform our Muslim population that, by the grace of Allah, the Mujahideen here are still together and united. And I know this news has been spread by both local and international media so I want to inform my Mujahideen brothers, whether here or abroad, that we are still united. And to our Sheikh Osama Bin Laden we say: dear Sheikh, your students in Somalia are still unified in their ranks and not divided.’

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