Last night, American defeated President Barack Obama unveiled review of his failed strategy. One year ago, Obama had announced the strategy aimed at bolstering the tempo of the invading American forces in Afghanistan and thwarting the Jihadic activities of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Having confidence in the help of the Almighty Allah (SwT) and in the ultimate victory of the legitimate Jihad of the Muslim people of Afghanistan against the invading Americans and their Allies, the Islamic Emirate responds to the review of the strategy by Obama as follows:
1. Obama unveils review of the strategy in a time that they left no stone unturned in Afghanistan to beef up the occupation but all their efforts have failed. Now he has come with the review of the strategy to present it before the American public and the public of the world in an effort to distract the attention from his failed strategy; to buoy up a new hope and keep people occupied in illusory expectations. However, the review of the strategy by Obama proves that his last year’s strategy with all other overseas schemes have faced frustration and failure because the substance of these schemes and strategy do not coincide with the ground realities in Afghanistan.
2. The past nine years have showed that the foreign troops surge and emphasis on military approach is a failed replica for achievement of victory by the foreign occupation in Afghanistan, never being in a position to play a role in transformation of the status quo in the country. This is the hard fact which Obama has also conceded, though indirectly, by resorting to reviewing the strategy.
3. Obama announced review of his strategy while thousands of people were demonstrating against the strategy in front of the White House. One day ago, an American intelligence agency, in its report. had expressed concern about American military setbacks in Afghanistan – in other words, an ultimate defeat that the rulers of the White House would have to accept it one day as a bitter reality.
4. Obama announced review of his strategy amidst his assertions regarding relative military advancement in some undisclosed areas of Afghanistan but all know that the ground realties are contrary to what he claims. More Americans have been killed in Afghanistan following the announcement of the said strategy.
5. The Obama strategy for Afghanistan not only has failed in the military field but has had no achievement at civilian and Administration level. All American programs in Afghanistan have faced failure and humiliation, up to this very day, after the announcement of the strategy.
6. In view of common Afghans, the strategy has only resulted in helping the puppet Karzai government remain in power; spread corruption, insecurity, grievances, incompetence of officials, killings of thousands of civilians during American operations. These are the consequences of the strategy.
7. In our opinion , the review of the strategy will have no achievement; will follow the path of Obama’s previous strategy which has already failed in practice and will not yield any positive message for the Americans. The continuation of the strategy at the current level without any change in its content symbolizes a defeat in view of its past record.
8. The only point which attracts attention in this review is the drawdown of America forces in Afghanistan next year. This is the bitter consequences which the American people are grappling with after losing thousands of American soldiers and spending hundreds of billions of dollars.
9. The Islamic Emirate will continue to stand by its unwavering stance as regards the review of the strategy as it was emphasizing on continuation of legitimate struggle against the invading American and all foreign forces in order to foil the strategy. The Islamic Emirate will not spare any sacrifice in the way of independence of its prideful country and Muslim people and establishment of an Islamic regime.
10. The Islamic Emirate believes, peace and stability will not return to Afghanistan unless and until all foreign forces pull out of the country. The unremitting continuation of foreign interference will pave the way for more casualties and destructions. So rationally, the foreigners should start the withdrawal of the occupying forces now—a task which they would have to do ultimately at a later stage. Thus they will save themselves from the heavy losses in life and equipment which they are facing as a result of the war of Afghanistan. Likewise, the oppressed and miserable people of Afghanistan will also find salvation from the illegitimate invasion and atrocities of America. This is the mechanism of the solution.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
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