El video tiene una duración de 48 minutos.
Al-Awlaki acusa a los Estados Unidos de matar intencionalmente a un millón de civiles musulmanes en Irak, Afganistán y otros lugares, justificándo por éstos hechos, la muerte de otros civiles de occidente.
Culpa a los estadounidenses porque "el pueblo americano, en general, están participando en ésta guerra, eligieron a este gobierno y están financiando la guerra."
Los 10 primeros minutos de este video en árabe han sido traducidos en inglés, así como la introducción. Se publica sin cortes con el único fin de dar continuidad a la información y nada mas.
The Preacher Sheikh: Anwar Bin Nasir Al-'Awlaki:
- From the Tribe of 'Awalik, One of The Yemeni Tribes of Shabwah State.
- The Sheikh Anwar Al-'Awlaki was born in the USA, and he spent 21 years over there.
- He got his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from one of the universities in Colorado.
- He got his MBA from the University of San Diego.
- After the 2nd Gulf War, he went to study the Islamic Sacred Sciences under a number of Muslims' Scholars.
- He worked as an Imam in some Mosques in Colorado, California and Washington, he had a major role in the Da'wah to ALLAH SWT through the lessons and the lectures.
- After the September's Ghazwahs (Invasions), The Sheikh Anwar Al-'Awlaki left to Britain after the Harassments he was exposed to, by the American Government.
- Then he left it to the Arabic Peninsula, and he had settled down in the Yemen.
- And he continued in his Path of Da'wah through giving lessons and lectures in English and publishing them via the world wide web which have the big impact in spreading the Islamic Da'wah through America and the west.
- The Sheikh Anwar Al-'Awlaki was arrested in Sana'a and he remained in the prison for 18th months, then he was released.
- The Sheikh was well known of his incitement of Jihad against the Crusade Colonization of the Muslim Lands through his web-Site on the Internet.
- He was accused with a relationship with the Operation of the brother Nidal Hassan, and the Operation of Brother Omar Al-Farooq, may ALLAH release them.
- And taking on consideration the huge media campaign on Sheikh Anwar Al-'Awlaki, Al-Malahim Foundation For Media production sought to make this exclusive and premiere interview, after the American Campaign on Yemen.
- And after skipping series of security obstacles, we could by the grace of ALLAH SWT to reach the Sheikh and make this interview that we ask ALLAH SWT to make it beneficial for the Muslims.

Alhamdu Lilah, and Prayers and Peace be upon the Messenger of ALLAH.
Al-Malahim Foundation is pleased to welcome you in this exclusive meeting with the Preacher Sheikh Anwar Al-'Awlaki, who has responded to our invitation and granted us this exclusive meeting,Ahlan Wa Sahlan our Generous Sheikh.
Sheikh Anwar: Ahlan Wa Sahlan Bikom, and welcome, thank you for incurring this discomfort to arrive here.
The Interviewer: May ALLAH reward you with the goodness our Sheikh.
We start this meeting from the latest Media Hype that was ignited by the American and the western Media in General about you.
They accused you with your relationship with 14th case in U.S.A, Canada and Britain.
What's the truth about these claims? And what's the reasons behind this Attack?
Sheikh Anwar: The reason behind this Attack is that I'm a Muslim, calling people to Islam.
The accusation is the Incitement, Nidal Hassan then Omar Al-Farooq and now these other cases that you've mentioned. And the common denominator between all of them is the Incitement.
The Incitement to what!? The Incitement to Jihad, the Incitement to Islam as was revealed by ALLAH AzzaWaJall in the Quran and the Sunnah of his Prophet PBUH, this is the accusation.
The Americans today don't want an Islam that defends the Ummah's Affairs, They don't want an Islam that calls to Jihad, to establish the Shari'ah, To Al-Wala'a Wal-Bara'a, these doors of Islam they don't want them to be opened, and that peoples to be called towards them.
But instead they want a Liberal Democratic Americanized Peaceful Civil Islam, as they have mentioned and promoted in some of their reports, for example what they've mentioned at the RAND Corporation.
So, we have now a Fiqh of Pride and the Demand of the Justice and we have also a Fiqh of Humiliation and a Culture of subservience, one of the CIA senior officials said if a Mullah Omar appeared to us we'll raise for him Mullah Bradley, this Bradley is an American name, in other words he's saying, if you have scholars,trustworthy scholars, we have scholars but they're fake!
You will raise Mullah Omar and we'll raise from our part Mullah Bradley, so this battle on the brains and the hearts in the Islamic World is at its highest peak.
America today tries to promote a fake Islam, as their predecessors did before, they altered Christianity and Judaism and now they want to Forge Al-Islam, but the Deen (religion) of ALLAH is preserved.
There is now the Fiqh of Pride on the field, that's been called to by some Du'at (Preachers) and some Activists in the Islamic Field, for example you in the Al-Qaeda Organization, your speech represents Fiqh Al-'Izzah (Pride)
For example, when Doctor Ayman Zawahiri spoke to Obama, he said: "Oh! Mr.Obama, may ALLAH make the end of America on the hands of the Mujahideen, so we'll rest, and the world rests from your evil!"
This represents a Speech of Pride, this represents a frank and clear speech about the Muslims' view to America, we're waiting to rest from you and the world rests from your evil, for whom you oppressed and assaulted in the world, in return we find that Obama when he visited the Muslim World, he visited Riyadh passing by Cairo, one of the Du'at (preachers) received him saying : "What a blessed hour! Oh! Abu Hussaein!"
A blessed hour!? Is it a blessed hour when Obama comes to the heart of the Muslim world, to the Arabic Peninsula! Is it a blessed hour to receive Obama the Leader of the Crusade War Today!
The leader of the War on Islam! The Pharaoh of nowadays! We receive him with such words! This represents the Fiqh of Humiliation and the Culture of Subservience.
Obama who vowed to protect Israel! Obama who stepped up the pace of the Air-strikes in Afghanistan & Pakistan with these Planes without a Pilot and now he enters to Yemen too! Obama who promised to exterminate terrorism from Somalia and Yemen! Obama who wants to lead America in new wars, we receive him like this (What a blessed hour, Oh! Abu Hussein!!!!)
Where is the blessing in Obama's Visit!?
Just far from some hundreds of Kms from the Prophet's grave, from Medina and Mecca! The Arabic Peninsula that the Prophet PBUH said about it, Take out the Mushrikeen from it now, Take out the Mushrikeen now!
And now we receive Obama this way, (What A Blessed Hour, Oh! Abu Hussein!)
But this speech seduces America, and that's why we find that the Satellite Channels are tainted with the likes of these Paroles that came from the peoples of this Fiqh!
While Dr.Ayman and because he represents the speech of Pride that we talked about and the Demand of Justice, how do they behave with him? They do behave with him in two ways, They Murder the Person or they Murder the Personality, they murder the person by trying to finish him, kill him, murder him, or they murder the personality, if they fail to murder the person they'll murder the personality through the media propaganda, the distortion of the reputation, they disfigure the personality's reputation, this is the American way today and we have to be careful and pay attention!
The Interviewer: So, the matter, is a matter of disfiguring of the Islamic preacher (Da'i) who shouts out with the truth and bringing back the rights to their owners, but the Americans accused you that you have a relation with the operation of brother Nidal Hassan, that he did against the American Soldiers at the Fort Hood base.
Sheikh Anwar: Yes, Nidal Hassan is one of my students, and I'm honored with that, I'm honored that the likes of Nidal Hassan are from my students, what did Nidal Hassan do was heroic, a terrific operation, and we ask ALLAH to keep him firm and preserve him and ease his affairs, and I support what he did, and I call everybody who belongs to Islam like I belong to Islam, and he serves in the American Army to follow the steps of Nidal Hassan, And the Good Deeds remove the sins, I call the Muslims too to follow his steps, either by performing Jihad with the Speech or by the Hand, and the example that Nidal Hassan illustrated is a great example, we ask ALLAH to make it an opening for a lot of Muslims to follow his steps.
The Interviewer: Our virtuous Sheikh, you support these kind of operations but some Muslims Organizations in USA denounced these operations and described them as Terroristic and unnecessary violence and it has nothing to do with Islam, for example one of these organizations says : "We denounce these cowardly act very much, and we ask that the doers will get punished the worst way the law allows", till it says : "And what aggravates this criminal act is attacking the Volunteering forces that protect our country, the American Muslims are standing with their citizens to offer the prayers and the condolences to the families of the dead and the injured", how would you respond to this paroles?
Sheikh Anwar: This rotten, flabby paroles, defeatist, is their paroles today! But let's go back to some of these Organizations in USA before a decade or more, these Organizations were supporting the Jihad in Afghanistan....
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