And the Noble Knight Dismounts
Shaykh Dr. Ayman al‐Zawahiri
In the name of Allah and praise Allah, and prayer and peace upon the messenger of Allah and upon his family, companions and allies. Muslim brothers everywhere: peace be upon you and Allah mercy and blessings, and thereafter:
[Verse] [Hadith]
I celebrate to the Muslim Ummah; Ummah of [righteous] doctrine and Tawhid; Ummah of Jihad and martyrdom; Ummah of sacrifice and benevolence; Ummah of Hijra and steadfastness, the news of the martyrdom of the Imam Mujahid, the restorer, the migrant, the steadfast, the noble Amir and the pioneering leader; the worshipper, pious and virtuous; he who descended over the lows and mockeries of life, the hero who fought on the frontlines, pioneer of Jihad against the communists then the crusaders; today’s Imam in Jihad against America, encourager of the Ummah and symbol of its glory and dignity and her rejection of humiliation and dependency, Abu Abdullah Usama bin Muhammad bin Laden, may Allah have…mercy on him and settle him in His wide heavens with the prophets, companions and martyrs and the righteous, and those are the best of companions.
He went to his Lord, drenched in the blood of his martyrdom; the man who said ‘NO’ to America. The man who made an oath and Allah carried out his oath, and He will [again] execute it [his oath], when he said ‘I swear by Allah the Greatest; He who raised the sky without columns, neither America nor those living in America will live in security before we live it practically in Palestine and before all the infidel armies leave the land of Muhammad, prayer and peace upon him.
He went to his Lord drenched in the blood of his martyrdom. The man who frequently took example from the words of our master Aasem bin Thabet, may Allah grace him, on the Day of Rajee’ [Poetry], and many times he took example from the words of our master Abdullah bin al‐Zubeir, may Allah grace the both of them, when he died [Poetry]. The noble knight left; he who loved Palestine to the extent it owned his heart, and he said to its people ‘to our brothers in Palestine, we say to them: the blood of your sons is the blood of our sons, and your blood is our blood, blood for blood and destruction for destruction, and we hold Allah witness that we will not disappoint you until victory is achieved or receive what Hamza bin Abdulmutalleb received [of martyrdom], may Allah grace him.’
The benevolent forgiver, the jovial, modest and moral one has left; each one who knew him and met him consented to the elegance of his morals, purity of his tongue [words], highness of his politeness, humility and candidness.
He left to his Lord, drenched in the blood of his martyrdom; the content pious, who threw away life with all of its decorations behind his back, and it [life] came for him obedient and guided, but he chose the life of Jihad, Hijra and rigor for the cause of Allah, and in return Allah brought love to the heart of tens of millions [for UBL]. The pious one has left; he who lived in his house the life of simpletons, sacrificing his dew for his visitors and seekers
He left to his Lord drenched in the blood of his martyrdom; the man who didn’t surrender until the last breath of his life, and he was killed amidst his family and children. Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Laden was killed, just as Abu Abdullah al‐Hussein— may Allah grace him—was killed; between his family and children. And the cry of glory that Abu Abdullah al‐Hussein shouted in Karbala when he said ‘humiliation be‐gone,’ was repeated by Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Laden in Abbotabad ‘O’ wishes [of] humiliation to America; O’ wishes [of] humiliation to the Crusader arrogance; O’ wishes [of] humiliation to the Pakistani cooperativeness; O’ wished [of] misuse of the Ummah’s honors, sanctity and dignity.
He left to his Lord, Usama Bin Laden may Allah have mercy on him, after he achieved what he wanted; as he aimed at encouraging the Ummah on Jihad, so his message reached earth’s east and west, and Muslims [positively] responded to it, as well as each oppressed [person] in the world. Usama Bin Laden frequently assured that our mission is to encourage the Ummah.
Today, praise to Allah, America is not facing an individual or a group or a sect, but it is facing an rising Ummah that woke up from its deep sleep, via a Jihadist revival that challenges her [America] wherever it may be. In the last decade, America confronted 4 devastating disasters: the first of which the blessed attacks on New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, when the intended‐martyr hawks destroyed the symbol of American economy in New York, and the U.S. military leadership headquarters at the Pentagon, with all of what that represents of sentimental, economic and military losses.
Then the second devastation was her defeat in Iraq at the hands of mujahideen, led by the Islamic State of Iraq. So she withdrew from there after she lost her money, equipment and the souls of her sons. The third devastation was in Afghanistan, where America is diving into the mud of defeat and is bleeding from a constant defeat, and it has been forced to announce [the date of] the beginning of her withdrawal next July, despite her affirmation and confession on the control by the mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate over most of Afghanistan. Then, the fourth devastation is the fall of America’s corrupt and corruptive agents in Tunisia and Egypt, the nearing collapse of their reign in Libya, Yemen and Syria. America tried to surround the popular, revolting volcano, and it claimed, after hesitation, affirming the peoples’ revolutions. But the popular movements in Egypt and Tunisia slapped the U.S. in the face when youths protested in Tunisia against the visit of Hilary Clinton, and in Egypt they refused to meet her.
He left toward his Lord; the man who used to assure that our biggest victory over America is through unveiling her degeneration and defeat in the arena of morals and principles. Allah, raised and glorified, willed that America, by killing of Usama Bin Laden, reveal her lies and despicability and retrogression. America claimed that, after killing Usama bin Laden; she threw his corpse in the sea in accordance with the Islamic rituals. What [kind of] Islam is this? America’s ‘Islam’ or Obama’s ‘Islam;’ he who sold off the religion of his father and converted to Christianity and then prayed the prayer of the Jews so the biggest criminals can grace him? This is the ‘Islam’ America is reporting of; an invented, fabricated and false ‘Islam’ that submits to the whip of the arrogant, and knows neither loyalty [to believers] nor enmity [to disbelievers], nor commanding with the good and disallowing the bad, nor Jihad.
America threw in the Arabian Sea a sea of glory the Arabs and foreigners would testify for. America refrained from giving the heroic Mujahid a grave, but the hearts of tens of millions became graves for him. America with her despicability showed that she does not know [the concept] of honor among adversaries, and O’ how could she know it when she lacks honor in the first place. America that signed the Geneva [convention] agreement to protect civilians and prisoners became the first to violate them in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Guantanamo and her underground prisons around the world.
While America was masked with what it signed of agreements and obliging others to submit to the decisions of the International Criminal Court, while in return growing arrogant [away] from abiding by them [agreement], and she does not know the honor of adversity with Bin Laden; as America did all of that over and again, Usama Bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him, was very cautious to abide with what he agreed to. In Tora Bora, after agreement to cease fire, almost a hundred hypocrites had fallen in a mujahideen ambush, and killing them stood on orders to the mujahideen to shoot them. But Shaykh Usama Bin Laden ordered his brothers to have them leave the ambush and not fire one bullet at them. After agreement to cease fire, some the mujahideen attacked a location for the hypocrites and took booty from there, but the Shaykh ordered them to return what they had gained. This is the difference between the earth and the sky.He left as martyr to his Lord; the man who defeated America alive and is horrifying her while dead, to the point that they are shaking over having a grave for him, because they know the love of tens of millions for him. And he’s horrifying her while dead to the point they are incapable of spreading a picture of his corpse, because they know the extent of the Islamic popular outrage against them and their crimes. And Shaykh Usama Bin Laden will remain, Allah‐willing, horror, fear and panic that chases after America and Israel and their Crusader allies and their corrupt agents. His famous oath, Allah‐willing, shall keep distorting their sleep: You will not dream of security until we live it practically and until you leave the Muslims’ homelands.
The love of Shaykh Usama Bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him, is laid in the hearts of the Muslim crowds that went out, after his death, to show their love for him and hatred toward America: from Manila to Cairo, passing through Gaza and Pakistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan. And here, I would like to express my thanks and praise from my brothers to those who participated with them in this battle, and the thousands who prayed ‘an abstention prayer’ on the martyr of Islam around the Islamic world, and to those who commended the Shaykh and his Jihad. And from those, for example, I will mention: Shaykh Hafid Salama, Mufti Kifayatullah, Shaykh Hasan Ouweis, and Shaykh Ismail Hannia and many others, may Allah reward them goodness.
Our Muslim, dear and beloved Ummah: the Shaykh, may Alla have mercy on him, left toward his Lord as martyr—as we consider him—and we have to continue working on the path of Jihad to remove the invaders from the Islamic homelands and purify them from injustice and the oppressors. And so, we renew the oath of allegiance to the Amir of Believers Mulla Muhammad Omar Mujahid, may Allah protect him, and we promise him to hear and obey, in bad and good [conditions/times], and on Jihad for the cause of Allah and establishing Sharia and supporting the oppressed.
We also send a message of affirmation to all the mujahideen in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic Maghreb, and we encourage them to sacrifice more efforts in fighting the Crusaders and their helpers. And we affirm the hand of the mujahideen in the occupied Palestine, and we assure them and the patient, steadfast Islamic Ummah in the folds of Palestine that we will sacrifice the valuable and expensive to deny America security until you live it practically in Palestine. And we thank them for their honest emotions that they expressed in support of the Shaykh, may Allah have mercy on him, and in hatred and despise to America.
Also, I incite the crowds of the Muslim Ummah in Pakistan to revolt against the mercenary soldiers and the bribed politicians who are in control of their [Pakistanis] fate; those who turned Pakistan into an America colony in which killing whomever they please, imprisoning whomever they please and destroying villages as they please. Those soldiers and politicians who sold Pakistan’s glory and dignity for a handful of dollars. O’ Muslim Pakistani people: rise up like your brothers revolted in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria. Dust off the dirt of humiliation from yourselves and uproot those who sold you in the slave market to America.
I also advise my mujahideen brothers everywhere, to coalesce with the populaces of the Muslim Ummah and focus on serving them and defending them and preserving their safety and honors, and staying astray from any act that would expose them [people] to danger in the markets, mosques or the crowded places, because we left our homes and migrated from our nations to defend them and their dignity.
We also assure all the Muslim people that we are their soldiers and that we will not preserve an effort, Allah‐willing, to liberate them from the occupiers in Kashmir, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq and Palestine, and that we affirm their blessed revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen and Ash‐Sham, and that we, with them, are engaged in one battle against America and her helpers. And we call upon the crowds of the Muslim Ummah in the beloved Syria to continue resistance and sacrifice and Jihad against the corrupt, criminal regime that sheds its own people’s blood.
We also assure the people of beloved Yemen; Yemen of expansion and Yemen of faith and wisdom, that we are with them in their revolt against the oppressive, corrupt agent ‘Ali Abdullah Saleh’ and his gang. And we advise them to not be tricked by the political schemes and the America’s agents in the Gulf who want to abort their blessed revolution and replace an oppressor with an oppressor; an American agent with another. They must continue their sacrifices and outrage until the corrupt, cooperative regime is gone and in its place a righteous regime that rules with the Sharia, spreads justice, establishes Shura, divides money rightfully, and equalize the rights between the weak and the strong, uproots corruption, and removes the Americans and their followers from the glorious and dignified Yemen.
As for the people of steadfast and Mujahid Libya, we say to them: O’ sons of mujahideen and descendents of the steadfast [ancestors]: be the best of descent for the best of ancestors. Your fathers fought so the words of Allah could be the highest, so do not spoil the covenant and do not accept humiliation from an unbeliever like al‐Qadhafi or the Crusader NATO alliance. And do not allow the crusaders of the NATO negotiate with you over your independence, glory and [Islamic] doctrine in return for their raid on al‐Qadhafi. Prepare and be ready, and store weapons and equipment, so no one could dare to make conditions on you or restrict you.
As for our brothers who work for Islam everywhere: we say to them: our hands are lent to you and our hearts are open for you, so we can cooperate to make the words of Allah the highest and for Sharia to be ruling not ruled in the Islamic homelands, commanding not commanded, leading not led; unchallenged by any authority and unengaged with any reference. And let us coalesce to liberate the Muslim homelands from every invader and aggressor and every corrupt agent, and to support every oppressed in this world.
My brothers who work for Islam: in the revolting Tunisia and steadfast Egypt, the doors have opened with the removal of the two corrupt tyrants, so cooperate, coalesce and back each other up, and encourage the Muslim Ummah through a comprehensive popular movement and general advocacy blast so the Sharia can be the ruling not ruled, and for the countries to be purified from the corrupt and the thieves, and so the misery of the oppressed prisoners can end, and so the wealth can be divided justly and equally, and so all kinds of social and political injustice can go away, and so both of your countries can go back to being castles for Islam and supporters of Muslims in Palestine and everywhere else.
A last word remains for Obama, America and their allies behind him: previously you celebrated when you entered Kabul with the hypocrites, and soon after your joy transformed into disappointment in Tora Bora, and defeat in Shahi Kot, and disasters pouring down on you in a historic quandary that you won’t find an exit except through running away. And the mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate continue to teach you lesson after lessons, and each time you lie they expose your lies. You claimed that you will purify Marja, and Obama the liar claimed that he was following the situation there on the hour, but it turned into an ugly defeat. You claimed that you are training the Afghan army and police, so the Mujahideen of the Emirate attacked Qandahar prison for the third time. Then after the shaykh’s martyrdom, they waged a campaign on Qandahar in which they killed its ruler and they attacked its security centers and shut off the roads leading to it, so they could prove to the entire world the extent of the failure of all of your plans.
A second time you celebrated when you overthrew Saddam Hussein and Bush stood in overconfidence declaring the end of the military operations in Iraq, but your celebration transformed into a bleeding current of blood, money and equipment. Thereafter you were forced to withdraw and leave Iraq for the Mujahideen. And today, you are celebrating with the martyrdom of the heroic, restoring Imam Usama Bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him, so await what will happen to you after each celebration.
Thus, may disaster befall America and befall her people:As [if] I am ready in Qaida’t al‐Jihad for an unpleasant day, like [the] Tuesday [of 9/11] when we shed the blood of the disbelievers on the spot.And our last prayer is praise Allah Lord of the Worlds, and prayer and peace upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions.And peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings.
As‐Sahab Media Foundation
NOTE: Posting of this material it is shared for information only
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