Our guest for this edition is brother Maulavi Ahmed Mustafa bin Ghulam Hadrat, deputy jihadist official for Kapisa province, located north of Kabul.
Brother Mustafa was born in Alasay directorate. He undertook his elementary education in his village madrasa, then migrated to Pakistan, continuing his intermediate and higher Shari’ah studies in religious schools until his graduation. He joined the Taliban movement in its first years and under their banner continued his Jihad in the different provinces of Afghanistan like Konar, Kabul, Barwan, Konduz and Takhar.
After America attacked Afghanistan, he began his Jihad against them in the company of Qari Ihsanullah Baryal in Kapisa province. He continues his Jihad there with the brigades of brother Ihsanullah Baryal, who has assumed overall responsibility for the Mujahideen in the province.
Al-Somood magazine conducted with him this interview regarding his assessment of the Jihadist situation and the state of the Mujahideen in this province.
Al-Somood: What is your assessment of the Jihadist situation in Kapisa province?
First, I wish to thank you for giving us this opportunity with your blessed magazine. To answer your question, we say that, before plunging into the jihadist situation in Kapisa province, we must first understand some of the special characteristics of Kapisa province. Kapisa province is located north of Kabul, at a close distance to the capital. It is also located a few kilometers away from Bagram, the largest air base of the American occupiers and headquarters for the armies of the Crusader alliance occupation. The residents of this province know well about Jihad and sacrifice, both against the Russians and the Americans. The province is divided into six districts: Tagab, Alasay, Nagrab, Kohband, Hasa Awal and Hasa Duwum.
Beyond this brief summary, we can say that the beginning of jihadist activities in this province go back to the first days of the Crusader attack on Afghanistan and gains in force and power with the passing of each day. The occupiers are unable to clear the area of Mujahideen despite its proximity to the capital, Kabul and to the largest American base in all of Asia.
The Mujahideen carry out their Jihadist affairs with all precision and strength and execute their Jihadist plans with great success, all praise to Allah, Lord of Creation.
As for the enemy, he lives in a defensive posture in the district centers only. The remaining areas are under the control of the Mujahideen, through the grace of Allah Almighty. As for the residents, their complete loyalty lies with the Mujahideen. They are the ones who render aid, assistance and support to the Mujahideen in all conditions. They answer the call of the Islamic Emirate for Jihad against the occupiers.
Al-Somood: Would you please discuss the victories of the Mujahideen and the losses of the enemy that have occurred in recent days in this province?
Maulavi Ahmed Mustafa: Through the grace of Allah Almighty, the Mujahideen have achieved successive victories and employ all kinds of warfare against the enemy with precision and deliberation. Since the launch of the spring Badr operation was announced, we have, through the grace of Allah Almighty, carried out 65 offensive operations against the enemy, including 10 IED attacks against tanks and other means of transport during the course of which all targets were completely destroyed. The rest of the operations comprise rocket attacks on enemy bases, setting up ambushes and assaulting enemy bases. These attacks inflicted on the enemy great losses in personnel, equipment, and advanced military hardware.
The enemy in this province is now living in fear and has taken a defensive posture. His soldiers have lost offensive capability and fighting spirit. This is because the mountainous terrain and the forests of the region work to the advantage of the Mujahideen. The enemy finds it difficult to move around there. This increases the opportunity to target the enemy and inflict great losses on him while on the other hand minimizing the possibility of the Mujahideen suffering losses.
The solidarity of the people is another factor for the supremacy of the Mujahideen over the enemy in this war.
These circumstances render the enemy anxious and unstable in this area.
Al-Somood: What is the extent of the Mujahideen’s popularity on the front and the people’s solidarity with them?
Maulavu Ahmed Mustafa: There is no doubt that the people of Afghanistan are a Mujahid and believing people with a history replete with the glories of battling and hatred for aggressors, because the greatest victim of their crimes is the people.
They are the ones who deal with the problems, who are killed and dispossessed. They are those whose homes are destroyed and whose orchards and crops are burned. They therefore bear a great hatred for the Mujahideen and on the other hand see the Mujahideen as their sole salvation from the yoke of occupation and the evil of the occupiers.
This is because the Mujahideen do not fight for worldly, material benefits. They fight in the cause of Allah Almighty in defense of Religion and country and the dignity of the Believing people. Therefore the people love them, and offer them food, clothing and shelter; treat their wounds; bury their martyrs with all love and dignity; and provide them with all the aid and service in their capacity.
Moreover, the Mujahideen are the sons of those people, their brothers and their family. They feel no sense of exile among them. While the Mujahideen are in difficult living conditions, the people are they who take responsibility for them, and bear the costs of their provisions and shelter.
This has been the character of the Afghan people towards their Mujahideen sons since old times. All friends and foes alike have borne witness to this.
Al-Somood: How do you assess the fighting spirit of the Mujahideen in the province?
Maulavi Ahmed Mustafa: Through the grace of Allah Almighty, the Mujahideen battle the enemy with high fighting spirit. The large number of enemy soldiers in the province does not frighten them. Neither does the presence of the largest American military base at Bagram near them.
Their fighting spirit gains in strength with every new operation against the enemy. Likewise the number of Mujahideen continues to increase and more young men join the ranks of the Mujahideen with each passing day. The Mujahideen are certain that through the grace of Allah Almighty their enemy is in a state of defeat and flight. Moreover, the glory of the life of Jihad and love of martyrdom make the souls of the Mujahideen overflow with faith in Allah Almighty and good intentions in this world and the Hereafter.
Al-Somood: How do you assess the results of the Badr operation, not only in Kapisa but throughout Afghanistan?
Maulavi Ahmed Mustafa: Truthfully, ever since the Islamic Emirate announced the Badr operation, victories have followed throughout Afghanistan. These victories have brought good tidings of conquests to the Muslims just as the Badr invasion was a great conquest for the Islamic army.
As for the results of this operation, they are through the grace of Allah Almighty great and humiliating to the enemy. The most important operations in this series of operations were the extraction of more than 500 Mujahideen from the Qandahar central prison, the Takhar martyrdom operation which reaped top taghut leaders, the Ministery of Defense operation which targeted the Afghan and French ministers of defense, the martyrdom operation against the headquarters of Italian forces in Herat, and the martyrdom operation conducted by the pilot Ahmed Gul against American advisors in the Kabul international airport.
These bold operations have shaken the enemy and thwarted his plans to prepare the lackey Afghan army as the faithful successor to the Crusader forces after they leave depart.
What has worried the Westerners more is the participation in these operations of organized Mujahideen among the ranks of the enemy. This anxiety has caused the Americans to summon more than 80 counterespionage experts to prevent Mujahideen elements from infiltrating the ranks of the lackey army. But there efforts in this will not avail the Americans at all, because the young men of our people are waging Jihad in defense of Deen and country, and they will find death in the cause of Allah Almighty to be sweet, no matter how it comes.
In the series of Badr operations, the Mujahideen through the grace of Allah Almighty brought down a helicopter belonging to the French in Alasay district, killing everyone on board.
In general, the Badr operations brought glad tidings of conquest and victory over the Crusaders, Allah Almighty willing.
Al-Somood: What are the most effective means of fighting you conduct?
Maulavi Ahmed Mustafa: We engage the enemy through all types of combat, including: guerilla warfare, assaulting enemy bases, hit and run operations, planting mines, laying ambushes, long-range rocket attacks on enemy bases, and other kinds of combat which are appropriate according to the time and place.
Al-Somood: What are the goals of the enemy from carrying out mass murders and demolishing houses around their occupants? What is the effect of these heinous crimes on the spirit of the people in the region?
Maulavi Ahmed Mustafa: The Western occupiers are all enemies of the Muslims. There is no difference among them. They came to our country to destroy Islam and the Muslims, and draw people away from their Deen. Therefore they regard killing human beings as “human rights” and demolishing homes as “reconstruction” and diverting people from their religion as “freedom and democracy”. Their aim in carrying out mass murders is to terrorize people and prevent them from achieving solidarity with the Mujahideen.
They kill the defenseless people among the inhabitants of the country because they adhere to their Religion and refuse to surrender to Western, Satanic plots. Sometimes they all methods of terrorizing and other times they use all means of enticement to prevent the people from sheltering the Mujahideen and rendering them aid. But the impact of this occupation policy manifests itself by the opposite results. Every time they bomb a village or a house, the hatred of the people towards the occupiers increases and large numbers of young men join the Mujahideen to avenge their family members who have been victimized by the occupiers.
Through their crimes, they have ignited the flames of hatred and revenge in the hearts of the people.
The entire world has witnessed this in the past years as resistance has spread in every country as a reaction to the crimes of the aggressors. All people have come to reject this hostile policy. Even their great lackey Karzai has begun to raise complaints against this failed policy.
Al-Somood: What do you see as the secret behind the superiority of the Mujahideen over an enemy armed to the teeth with the latest weapons and strong military technology?
Maulavi Ahmed Mustafa: The Mujahideen do not only fight the enemy with physical weapons. They fight the enemy with faith, patience and supplication to Allah Almighty and Omnipotent. They derive their strength from Allah Almighty. I see the secret of the Mujahideen’s victory in three points:
1. Strength of faith and absolute belief in the words of the Almighty: وَلَيَنصُرَنَّ اللَّهُ مَن يَنصُرُهُ “Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause).”
2. Unity of ranks and obedience to the Ameer.
3. Solidarity of the Faithful people with the Mujahideen.
So long as the Mujahideen preserve these factors they will be victorious, Allah Almighty willing.
Al-Somood: What do you see is the impact upon the psyche of the Mujahideen of the announcement by the occupiers that they will leave Afghanistan? And at the conclusion of this interview, what is your message to the Mujahideen?
Maulavi Ahmed Mustafa: The occupiers will inevitably leave Afghanistan, because they are infidels and aggressors. They have attacked out country and our people, they have killed our folk and destroyed our homes. No one accepts their presence. No Muslim will endure their evil. Throughout the passing centuries, this people has shown that they will not endure injustice. The Afghans ejected the English occupiers, and after them the Russians. And today they continue their Jihad fi sabeel Allah against the Crusader occupiers led by the guardian of evil, America.
My message to the Mujahideen is that their enemy is facing final defeat – Allah Almighty willing – and is preparing to flee. The Mujahideen must continue their Jihad with determination and patience. The Muslims must continue their support for Jihad and the Mujahideen. For in that lies the safeguard from humiliation. By standing by the side of the Mujahideen they will be carrying out their duty to their Deen and their victorious Ummah, Allah Almighty willing. The blessings of Allah be upon the noble prophet, and his family and his companions all.
Source: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, al-Somood magazine, issue 62
NOTE: Posting of this material it is shared for information only
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