jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

What's The View Of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam On Gaddafi?

Ziqad 28, 1432 A.H, Thursday, October 27, 2011

The ruler, Muammar Gaddafi in the end had to end his life. He was dying after the people of Libya found him and killed him a few days ago. The anger of the Libyan people peaked after Gaddafi became infamous for being arrogant and treated his people every which way he liked.

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi did have his own list of atrocities. In 1983, Libyan Hizbut Tahrir activists had been executed by him in the schools, universities, in front of the teachers, lecturers, students, in fact even in front of their own families and children. Whereas in reality, there were only rectifying the viewpoints of Gaddafi which always despised Islam.

Gaddafi for example had spread an opinion which doubts the truth of the hadith. He considered all hadith as fake (maudlu) and none are from the wahyu (revelation) from Allah SWT. To the extent that he did not want to implement the law contained in the hadith.

Not only that, Gaddafi also repeatedly eliminated the lives of his people who disagreed with his policies. They were arrested, jailed and then tortured. Sheikh Anwar Al Awlaki -kama nahsabuh- mentioned that at least one thousand Mujahideen were thrown into prisons by the leader who had ruled for 42 years.

"He (Gaddafi) carried out executions, which perhaps were the most brutal we've ever seen, against 1,200 prisoners in the Abu Salim prison. They had already been imprisoned, and then were executed in less than three hours," thus said Mohammed al-Abdalla, a Libyan activists in the era of the 70's.

Then how was the view of Ash-Shaheed -kamaa nahsabuh- Sheikh DR. Abdullah Azzam on Muammar Gaddafi. We know he had been seasoned in the arena of da'wah and jihad in his resistance against Western imperialism. The following are his words addressed to the ulama's with regards to Gaddafi:

"When you ask the ulama's : "What (fatwa) would you declare against Gaddafi who do not leave alone even one muwahhid (people who hold firm to tawheed) youth except to be thrown into jail................ What (fatwa) would you declare regarding this man (Gaddafi) who had clearly been kufr towards Allah as clear and as bright as daylight, as well as being denial towards the sunnah of Rasulullah -sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam-. What (fatwa) would you declare O noble ulama's?"

"Is he still Muslim?"

"I do not think that any religion would accept people like this, whose tyranny have already been over the limits, and whoever is willing to accept a tyranny like this, he has sinned in this world and he will receive his due punishment in the hereafter." (Sheikh Abdullah Azzam : Al Jihad : Fiqhun Wa Ijtihadun page 195 - 196)

Besides that, Sheikh Mujahid Abu Mundzir As-Saidy -hafizhahullah- the leader of Al-Jama'ah Al-Islamiyyah Al-Muqatilah Libya had said that the law which in truth is non-Islamic had been applied by Gaddafi in Libya. The following are his words,

يقول الشيخ أبو المنذر الساعدي: (ان النظام القائم في ليبيا نظام جاهلي كافر، ويجب على كل مسلم في ليبيا ان... يساهم في خلعه وقتاله بكل ما يقدر عليه من قتال فعلي، أو اعانة للمقاتلين، وان المتخلف عن هذا الفرض الرباني لغير عذر من مرض أو عمى أو عرج أو نحو ذلك، هو مرتكب لكبيرة من كبائر الذنوب، ومرتكب الكبيرة؛ فاسق).

وقال أيضاً حفظه الله: (وليحذر المسلمون في ليبيا من الوقوف في صف هذا الطاغوت، بسلاح أو قلم أو لسان، لأن الله تعالى يقول: {وَلَا تَرْكَنُوا إِلَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا فَتَمَسَّكُمُ النَّارُ وَمَا لَكُمْ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ مِنْ أَوْلِيَاءَ ثُمَّ لَا تُنْصَرُونَ

"Indeed, the law applied in Libya is the law of the kafir jahiliyyah. And it is compulsory for every Muslim in Libya to give his contribution in eliminating this law, as well as fighting against it to the utmost of their ability, be it through physical jihad or assisting the Mujahideen. And that anyone who is reluctant to perform this duty (opposing the kafir jahiliyyah law) without udzur such as being ill, blind or paralyzed etc, then he has done one of the greatest sins and he belongs to the group of the fasiq people".

He added:

"And the Muslims in Libya must be cautious and vigilant, do not to be in saff (rank) that defends this Thaghut, whether it be with the weapons, speeches or writings because Allah Azza wa jalla says (which means) :

"And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be touched by the Fire, and you would not have other than Allah any protectors; then you would not be helped." (Al Huud 113)

Fatwa Haula Al Jihad fie Libya : Jama'ah Islamiyyah Muqotilah Libya. (Pz/dbs)

Translated and Submitted by a Mujahid

NOTE: Posting of this material it is shared for information only

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