lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Kerry: Syrian Opposition Needs More Help. Chechen Terrorist Fighting in FSA Ranks Killed in Syria

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, shakes hands with French Minister of Foreign Affairs Laurent Fabius, Paris, Feb. 27, 2013.

PARIS — Amid reports Washington is considering offering military assistance to Syrian rebels, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says Syria's opposition needs more help from the international community to oust President Bashar al-Assad.

Should we start by discussing whether it's a 'Syrian' revolution to start with or Al Qaeda terrorists under the cover of a 'Free Syrian Army' as how they were in Libya 'Freedom Fighters', in Afghanistan 'Mujahideen' then 'Taliban'.. sent wherever NATO needs to justify an invasion? Or should we discuss what kind of Jihad they have against other Muslims and not any other Muslims, against the Muslims prophet Muhammad PBuH said they'll preserve Islam when strife overwhelms?

Is this a proof that Syrian Arab Army is fighting mercenaries or not yet, you still beleive the Syrian Army is killing their own families and the charity and humane US, France and Britain need to intervene to 'protect' then 'democratize' these people?

Sheeple stay asleep until led to the slaughterhouse.

Kerry: Syrian Opposition Needs More Help

Kerry: Syrian Opposition Needs More Help

Syria - Fighting in Jabal Al-Turkman. Kerry: Syrian Opposition Needs More Help

Syria - The REAL Story -- MUST SEE -- CIA & MOSSAD Death Squads Exposed

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