miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

German gun firm cuts Blackwater ties. "It is scandalous and unacceptable that a German arms company cooperates with such a lawless mercenary troop "

Blackwater had used Heckler-and-Koch guns against Iraqis.
A German arms company has cut its ties with Blackwater after reports showed the notorious firm had used its guns in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Heckler-and-Koch said it would end its relationship in the wake of a German news report that Blackwater employees used its machine guns in Iraq and Afghanistan and that the two companies had a "strategic partnership".
Deutsche Welle said Tuesday that the revelations stirred criticism among some German politicians who said they were aghast at Blackwater's controversial role in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"It is scandalous and unacceptable that a German arms company cooperates with such a lawless mercenary troop " declared Green Party lawmaker Hans Christian Strobele.

The private security firm, Blackwater USA, is responsible for the killing of Iraqi civilians in a number of incidents, including an unprovoked shooting spree in Baghdad's Nisoor Square that killed 17 people on September 16, 2007.
Heckler-and-Koch has a US subsidiary that markets its extensive line of pistols, assault rifles and 9mm submachine guns.


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