domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009

El autor de "Jihad nuclear" regresa con la nueva fase "Mou10ra11bitt18oun25" Alemania ...

El mensaje nuevo de amenaza a Alemania ha sido publicado por el mismo forero que público "jihad nuclear el último terror" en el foro al-ekhlaas, especifica que los Ataques se llevaran cabo uno de los domingos de octubre. Se titula "A la nación infiel alemana: por tercera vez te especificamos el día señalado"

Los foros han comenzado a interpretar lo que realmente se esconde detrás de "Mou10ra11bitt18oun25", han sido muchos los que lo relacionan con Francia "Mou ra bitt oun", otros con algo mas cercano a España, concretamente con el año AH 478, otros han pregúntado: ¿Almorávides ?...¿"aquel otoño del AH 478" ? , etc. Los mas, han obviado el lugar exacto del ataque "contra los alemanes" ... ésto puede tener otra lectura, no es lo mismo en Alemania que contra alemanes ...Abu Thala dijo textualmente:

"Afganistán no es la provincia diecisiete de Alemania, no es" Oktoberfestes "(Fiesta de la Cerveza que se celebra en octubre en Munich) para celebrar el Oktoberfest Durante todo el año".

Otros han ido mucho más lejos diciendo:
" Las Operaciones en una escala del 100 %...(...) las Operaciones de Martirio 50% Química ...(...) 20 cohetes ..(...) reforzado explosivo 30 bombas que simultáneamente ...(...) el componente nuclear podria ser introducido ".... el momento del proceso (...) está esperando una señal, un buen gesto de los Alemanes para su salida de Afganistán."
¿Piensan atacar simultáneamente en lugares diferentes..?

Se cierra uno de los comentarios mas serios con:
Asad Habib Mou10ra11bitt18oun25 11 10 6,25 .
Las fechas de los domingos de este mes:

El texto original se ha publiado en el foro faluja, una traducción en inglés publicado por "Mou10ra11bitt18oun25" en:

To the infidel nation of germany:

We grant you for the third time and specify the timing of the promised day
in the name of allah the most merciful the most gracious
to muslims in germany and outside of germany we say:
Peace be upon you, and allah mercies and blessings too.

For the infidel crusader nation of germany we say:

Before the elections, shaykh osama bin laden (may allah protect him) and brother abu talha addressed you by: Peace be upon those who follow guidance.
After the elections we say to you:
Death be upon you!! Death be upon those who want war!!

Lots of you germans saw the tv on the black days which passed upon: "london, madrid, new york and washington"..
The black tuesday of new york and washington; which the entire world still remembers.
The black tuesday of madrid; which everyone still remembers.
And the black thursday of london; which everyone still remembers.

Surely, these arrogant nations were not warned about the attacks or its exact days, contrariwise to you as we gave you the choice, and you chose blood, corps and destruction. We specified for you the time period, and this is a gift your brothers in madrid and london will envy you for.

But, we will bestow another gift upon you for the third time, and we will specify the date for you!!

We originally planned to give you the choice to choose it yourself, but we then decided to choose it for you , carefully.. And precisely.!.

Well .. How about sunday? A beautiful day, and a holiday for you as of others who follow your religion!?

After we chose thursday for london, tuesday for new york, washington and madrid, we are choosing sunday for you! Is it going to be a beautiful day!!?

Sunday ../10/2009
sunday ../10/2009
sunday ../10/2009

sorry, we will not grant you for a fourth time and tell you when. Surely, we have decided it!!

One thing left .., the city to be attacked??

Is berlin going to wear the colors of new york?? Or will it be other cities that will have this honor? Like .. : Bonn .. , frankfurt .. , hamburg .. , or it might just be

angela merkel ... ,
surely you had the toast of victory..

We promise you .. , you will drink it over and over , but this time , it will have a different taste and color!! This time the glass will be filled with the blood of your people who elected you and chose war!!!

Oh, by the way ,, we heard that you **** well .. And you frequently do ..
Sunday is a good day to practice such hobby, isn't it?
How about making your dish that day: A shoulder.. Or a head of a german citizen?

Our date is on ************

to our supporters (al-ansar) :
This is your day, do not hesitate, post it on german forums, send it by email, do not waste your time translating it, they have between them some of those who speak our language and who will translate it for their masters ...

The end



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