miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Destroying al Qaeda Is Not an Option (Yet)

If the world's most notorious network goes down, terrorism will get a whole lot messier.
source: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/

Si lo dice GUSTAVO DE LAS CASAS tendrá razón.

También hay que respetar que otros seamos muy mal pensados, no por nada, por nuestra/mi ignorancia que no da para más...nos/ hacemos estas preguntas, por hacérnoslas y distraernos un poco.Nada más.

¿Quosque tandem in partibus infidelium ?, ¿Sine die?,¿In æternum?.
Indocti discant, et ament meminisse periti: ¿Cui prodest?. Amin


Al-Sharq al-Awsat:
مصدر أمني لبناني لـ«الشرق الأوسط»: هناك علاقة بين «فتح الإسلام» وجهات إسرائيلية
(Una fuente de seguridad libanesa dijo: «Oriente Medio»: Hay una relación entre Fatah al-Islam y los órganos de Israel.)

“Israel working with Al Qaeda against Hizbullah"

” A senior Lebanese defense source said Friday that militants allied with Al-Qaida are working in collaboration with Israel against Hezbollah, A-Sharq al-Awsat reported on Friday. According to the official, the Lebanon-based Al-Fatah al-Islam fired a Katyusha rocket at northern Israel last month precisely so that the finger of responsibility could be pointed at Hezbollah. This is not the first claim from within Lebanon regarding collaboration. Lebanese President Michel Suleiman last month suggested that Israel had arranged for collaborators in his country to fire Katyusha rockets at the Galilee earlier this week, in a bid to keep tensions high in the area.
According to the Lebanese newspaper A-Sapir (yup…), Israel’s declarations that it would not cease its intelligence activities on Lebanese territories validate Suleiman’s accusations. A panel of inquiry established by the Lebanese Army found that the rockets, fired from Houla in southern Lebanon, were launched from the home of the village’s mayor. The mayor was not present in his home, according to the panel, and has no connection to the rocket.”


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