lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Líder Al-Qaeda Central insta a los musulmanes de Irak, Jordania, Líbano y Turquía a unirse a los rebeldes contra Al-Assad

Resulta curioso el apagón informativo de los medios de occidente con la antigua y super temida Al-Qaeda. Ahora da la impresión que no existe. Desde que la OTAN y por extensión, todo occidente a apoyado a los jihadistas de Libia y Siria al-qaeda ha pasado a la historia, han sido reciclados, ahora se exhiben como "luchadores por la democracia".

Aquí les dejo, con el único fin de informar y nada mas, los comentarios que circulan por las web islamistas:

The leader of Al-Qaeda (AQC) urges Muslims of Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey to join the uprising against al-Assad and his "pernicious and malignant regime".

"This (Assad's regime) can not be cured by anything except an amputation", said Sheikh al-Zawahiri (hafidullah), who was quoted by koeffar from CBS.

"Do not be dependent on either the West or Turkey - country that have shown mutual understanding and worked together with the regime of Assad and NATO for decades, and only after they had seen him being in a right mess, left him", said Emir of Al-Qaeda."Instead, rely on Allah alone, and then - on your sacrifice, fighting abilities and resistance".
Sheikh al-Zawahiri (hafidullah) urged Syrian Muslims also not to accept assistance from the puppet "League of the Arab States", calling its members the" wicked treasonous regimes".

Allah ta'ala says:

"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know." (Surat 8- 60)

Fuente: hxxp://!/2012/02/quote-of-day_20.html

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