Publicado el 19/04/2013
In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, U.S. air travel came to a screeching halt. All airliners were forced to land at the nearest airport, and no new flights could take off or land for the next 24 hours...with ONE, notable exception. The family members of the Bin Ladin clan were allowed to exit America and fly to their homes in Saudi Arabia!
Has history just repeated itself...again? The U.S. government is permitting a Saudi national with probable family ties to known Islamic terrorists to be deported from this country, despite his initial apprehension and labeling as a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings. The unexpected move, ordering the repatriation of 20-year-old Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, came only after a quickly arranged private meeting between the Saudi Foreign Secretary and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Coincidence?
Just how serious is the issuance of this "get out of jail free" card by the Obama administration? Former Palestinian terrorist Walid Shoebat has translated a list of 85 wanted Al Qaeda members, and seven of them share the last name of Al Harbi! Another five known terrorists named Al Harbi are currently incarcerated at the U.S. operated Guantanamo Bay prison facility in Cuba.
The newly deported Saudi was in this country on a "student visa," as were many of those who staged the 9/11 operation. So why is this "person of interest" in the Boston Marathon bombings being given a pass by the Obama administration? But if anyone dares to question his motives, those close to Barrack Obama insist that he is fiercely loyal to the nation...We simply ask, "Which nation?"
'He's a witness not a suspect': Burned Saudi student who had apartment raided is ruled out by police
Saudi “Person Of Interest,” Alharbi Now Just A Witness ....????
Saudi Arabia is a far different story....The Clan "Aldawsari... Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi "
Many from Al-Harbi’s clan are steeped in terrorism and are members of Al-Qaeda
Out of a list of 85 terrorists listed by the Saudi government shows several of Al-Harbi clan to have been active fighters in Al-Qaeda:
'He's a witness not a suspect': Burned Saudi student who had apartment raided is ruled out by police
Many from Al-Harbi’s clan are steeped in terrorism and are members of Al-Qaeda
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