jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010
Video oficial con la voz de los 7 rehenes franceses secuestrados por Al-Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico en Niger
Al-Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico (AQMI) ha emitido éste video con imágenes fijas de los siete secuestrados hace dos semanas en Arlit, Níger.
Al-Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico reivindicó el secuestro de 5 expertos nucleares franceses en Níger
Este video-audio es un signo claro e inequívoco de una de las exigencias, "ver a todos los rehenes con vida", del gobierno francés para continuar con las negociaciones iniciadas en Malí con un alto dirigente de una rama del Magreb. Recuerdo a los lectores que el Magreb no es solamente Marruecos y Argelia.
La grabación de Al-Andalus, muestra a siete personas que responden a las preguntas en francés formuladas por un Mujahid.
La mujer, es la esposa de un alto cargo de Areva, los dos de nacionalidad francesa, los otros cinco son empleados de SATOM, tres franceses, uno de Madagascar y uno de Togo.
Video de Adam Yahiye Gadan (Azzam el americano) "La tragedia de las inundaciones en Pakistán"
Gadahn habla en Inglés, su lengua madre, está subtitulado en árabe y urdu para las zonas pastunes de Pakistán y Afganistán, Bangladesh y Baluchistán.
Gadahn critica la respuesta tardía y mala del gobierno de Pakistán a las inundaciones. Acusa a los gobiernos paquistaní y afgano de la corrupción, ha dicho que la mayor parte del dinero donado va a terminar en las cuentas bancarias privadas de sus funcionarios. (Dice la verdad, aunque sea un judío converso al Islam y presunto agente de la Cia-mossad)
También se queja de la escasa contribución de países extranjeros "que no han querido socorrer a los musulmanes".
El video está disponible en abierto en archive.org, aljazeeratalk.net y otros
La opinión de los ciudadanos occidentales, según Garbi:
Personalmente he oído y preguntado, la opinión respecto a las inundaciones de Pakistán, el 95% ha mostrado mucha alegría al ver como morían "terroristas islámicos". Es la imagen que occidente tiene de todos los musulmanes, la que le han transmitido a la manada de borregos guiados por el pastor de turno.
¡¡Eso sí!!, a los verdaderos reyes terroristas de Marruecos, Jordania y Arabia Saudita....se les lame el culo cuando aparecen con sus petrodolares y su islamismo radical duro y puro del salafismo más intolerante, "terrorismo del bueno".
Todos los informes de inteligencia hablan de "España donde más bases de al-qaeda hay en occidente", efectivamente, llevan toda la razón, solo hay que darse una vuelta por las zonas lujosas del Mediterraneo y veremos mas ferraris y coches de lujo conducidos por musulmanes de Marruecos o sauditas que moscas...¿estos no son musulmanes islamistas...?
Al pobre desgraciado, que se muere de hambre en uno de éstos estados terroristas y viene a occidente a limpiar la mierda que los occidentales no queremos limpiar...le aplicamos la Ley del terrorismo, que se le debería aplicar a todos y cada uno de estos sátrapas que lideran la verdadera al-qaeda. Sus aliados, socios, encubridores Y COOPERADORES NECESARIOS también se le debería aplicar la misma Ley "del terrorismo malo".
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010
Carta abierta a la Sra. Ministra de Defensa Carme Chacon
Le recomiendo, que en lugar de irse tan lejos a ver "como se encuentran" los soldados del ejercito español de la OTAN en Afganistán, se de un paseo por la "escuela de Los LLanos".
Hoy, sobre las 13.00 h. y dentro de las coordenadas presuntamente prohibidas para "las practicas en suelo español…, sus chicos"...han incumplido presuntamente, una de las normas básicas: "No poner en riesgo (fisíco o psíquico) la seguridad de los civiles.
No es la primera vez que ésto sucede, no hay que olvidar los “estrambóticos“ accidentes de aviones militares empotrados en núcleos urbanos .Da la impresión, de que estos “chicos” combatieran el aburrimiento, emulando a sus aliados y amigos norteamericanos en Afganistan. Esto es, utilizando sus “juguetes militares” sobre la población civil como puro divertimento.
Así que, déjese, señora ministra, tanto homenaje y medallas, a unos asalariados (muy bien pagados por cierto) por hacer su trabajo de mercenarios en Afganistán, y vengase por aquí a leerles la cartilla a tanto irresponsable.
Los aviones de combate, no son un juguete del todo a cien, lo pagamos los ciudadanos y solo faltaba, que pagáramos las consecuencias de las batallitas particulares de estos “machotes” en nuestras propias carnes:
.... De continuar, tal situación de intranquilidad, ésta que le escribe a su excelencia, tomará las medidas que crea oportunas dentro del derecho y legalidad internacional que me asiste, así como aportar cuantos datos, pruebas documentales, sonoras o visuales que obren en mi poder y todas aquellas que pueda obtener, para iniciar cuantas acciones crea oportunas y ante los organismo que considere mejor para la defensa de los intereses de todos los civiles españoles.
Sin otro particular
Atentamente Garbi
martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010
Afghan girl killed by Reckless U.S. mortar fire by Matthew Nasuti
A gunman fired a few cents worth of AK-47 rounds at the U.S. Marines and in response the Marines probably fired $10,000.00 in mortar rounds that all missed their target, yet killed an innocent. This incident could sum up the entire Afghan war and helps explain why American efforts have largely failed.
Sunday 26 September 2010, by Matthew Nasuti
On July 28, 2010, reckless mortar fire by U.S. Marines ended the life of a 14 year old Afghan girl named Gul Makay. Her name ã˜Æ ګá is that of the heroine in the famous Pashtun folk tale of Musa Khan. The Marine unit, according to Time Magazine’s Adam Ferguson, was the 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment. The location was the "liberated" Afghan district town of Marjah in Helmond Province. The Marines had been fired upon by a lone gunman 250 meters away in what appears to be a semi-residential area. In response, the Marines radioed for indirect fire support. A nearby outpost thereafter fired an unknown number of mortar rounds into the area. The suppression fire apparently chased away the gunman but killed Gul Makay.
Similarly, on March 24, 2010, the Taliban attacked an American outpost in Ali Sher District, Khost Province. In response, the Americans fired mortars, one of which hit a home in Chargoti village, killing a teenage couple and injuring a man, his wife and two of his children. [reported by the Afghan women’s network - RAWA]. The Wiki-leaks documents reveal other incidents of civilians being killed by errant U.S. mortars, the total number of such deaths being unknown. In each incident, there is no press release by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). There is never any apparent official investigation and no apparent discipline or courts-martial of the military members involved. The pattern just continues to replicate in another part of Afghanistan.
The culprit is the "mortar." The mortar is by definition an indiscriminate weapon. It began its life as simply a tube from which a shell or rocket is launched. As depicted in the top photo for this article, some mortars in use in Afghanistan today are just as crude and inaccurate as those used 60 years ago during the Second World War.
It is difficult to determine exactly how inaccurate these weapons are. There is some data that the American M252 81mm mortar may have a CEP of 130 or more meters. (CEP stands for Circular Error Probable). What this number means is that out of ten mortar rounds fired, at least five will likely land within 130 meters of the target and five statistically will land outside this circle. In residential areas this level of inaccuracy for high explosive rounds equates with indiscriminate fire, which would be a violation of the rules of war. Military weapons are considered indiscriminate if they are either significantly inaccurate (and therefore are just as likely to kill civilians as the enemy) or have the potential to produce unnecessary civilian casualties. (see the Hague Convention).
During the second Battle of Fallujah, in Iraq, (2004) the U.S. military reportedly fired in excess of 9,000 mortar rounds into the city. As described in the March-April 2005, edition of Field Artillery (U.S. Army), mortar fire is "walked" to the target. What this means is that the mortar is so inaccurate that an initial round is fired somewhere near the target and then it is adjusted with each successive round, getting closer and closer to the target until it is on target. Walking the mortar fire to the target kills anything in its path. One standard U.S. military tactic, endorsed in Field Artillery magazine, is to fire mortars across the line of departure and preceding the American advance into an area, walking the fire in front of the American troops. This type of fire does not distinguish between Taliban and civilians, it simply kills everyone it encounters.
The U.S. Army has long recognized the problem and been working for years on a next generation 120 mm mortar, called the Accelerated Precision Mortar Initiative (APMI), but in trials the APMI has not been very accelerated and its precision is less than the original specifications two years ago called for. It has still apparently not been deployed.
In the interim, mortars should be banned from use within a kilometer of any residential structure. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been attempting to halt the counter-productive night raids by Special Operations personnel into Afghan homes. He needs to expand his objections to encompass restrictions on NATO and American mortars.
Ms. Gul Makay (her full name was apparently Gul Makay Karim) did not have to die. She was not an inevitable casualty of warfare. The Marines chose to blanket a semi-residential area with mortar fire rather than attempt to chase down or shoot a lone gunman. That does not win hearts and minds. Afghan children should not have to die in order to protect U.S. Marines.
Note: Besides being ineffective and counter-productive, the mortar is also not cost-effective. For example, each M821 high explosive round costs $605.00 in 2007, dollars and they are normally fired in barrages at either real targets, suspected targets or just for H&I (harassment and interdiction). The Marines seem oblivious to the U.S. budget deficit.
In the Marjah incident, what this means is that a gunman fired a few cents worth of AK-47 rounds at the U.S. Marines and in response the Marines probably fired $10,000.00 in mortar rounds that all missed their target, yet killed an innocent. This one incident could sum up the entire Afghan war and helps explain why the American efforts have largely failed to-date.
Note 2: This $605.00 cost is the purchase price. It does not include transport costs from an arsenal in the U.S. to a U.S. departure airbase; C-17 costs to Bagram, C-130 costs to Kandahar air field, and helicopter costs to Marjah. All these fuel, manpower, equipment and depreciation/wear & tear costs could add 300% or more to the overall cost of each mortar round.
lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010
Soldados australianos de las fuerzas especiales acusados de las muertes de niños afganos
¡¡Ya está bien de tanta mentira!!. Hace 9 años habían 100 integrantes de al-qaeda en Afganistán, ahora, según los informes de EEUU y sus aliados...son 50.
¿ Se puede confiar en unos ejércitos que llevan 9 años asesinando a civiles y solo 50 terroristas...?
Un tonto, que no sepa hacer una "u" con una tiza....deduce que nos quedan otros 9 años para derrortar a 50 hombres.
Me parece muy bien que envíen a mas mercenarios de la OTAN Afganistán, por mi pueden enviarlos a todos, a ver si de una puñetera vez se arruinan los estados con una guerra de 30 años y hacen negocio los vendedores de armas, de bolsas de plástico,etc, (lo digo por la crisis...), será el final de todos los ejércitos de EEUU-OTAN.
La noticia la han dado varios medios, elijan el que más les guste:
Australian soldiers charged in Afghan child deaths
Nuevo video de las Brigadas Abdullah Azzam titulado "Comunidad Oprimida"
Este video ha sido producido por un grupo, que se supone que opera "en territorio controlado por Israel". Una vez más, Brigadas Abdullah Azzam arremete contra los chiitas de Hezbollah y su líder Nasrallah, los acusan de su relación con Israel y la cooperación entre el gobierno y ellos contra los sunitas.
Lo de siempre...Occidente ha caido en la trampa de las luchas domesticas entre los wahabitas y chiítas en Oriente Medio y Golfo Persico y Magreb.
La pregunta es obvia y la respuesta un axioma:
¿Occidente a quién apoya, apoyará en una hipotética guerra...?
¿A los wahabitas de Arabia Saudita (al-qaeda), o, a los chiitas que luchan contra al-qaeda...?
Fuente: http://www.archive.org/
Opinión de garbi:
Segun Gustavo de Aristegui Hizbullah, Irán, Chavez y Al-Qaeda es lo mismo.
Pues mira, guapito de cara y sesos de mosca cojonera, ahora me toca a mi..."el turno de preguntas y respuestas...":
El tiempo pone a cada uno en el lugar que le corresponde.
La taqiyya sunní de los moriscos españoles:
"Los odios aficanos" de Gustavo de Aristegui y su jefe Aznar son dos ejemplos del presente condecorado Orden Wisam Alauí(Condecorado por el terrorista rey de Marrucos Orden Wisam Alauí y el pasado (El ADN de "moro malo" los delata....Aznar:قوة النار ) musulman.
La taqiyya (ocultación) no tiene correlato en el cristianismo, si en la Halajá o ley judía.
En España, los moriscos españoles se han "ocultado bajo las faldas" del dictador Franco.
Pocos conocen que la Guardia Mora (siguen en activo en otros cuerpos de las Fuerzas de Segiridad del Estado, hijos y nietos) cocinaban de acuerdo a los preceptos coranicos, fué la rancia y fascista derecha la que abrió la primera mezquita de los Hermanos Musulmanes en Madrid. No entiendo muy bien....como abu Dada...no ha tirado "de la manta para arriba"...él sabrá por que....¿Será por no implicar a la iglesia, Piñar, y el poder económico con sede en "otras torres de Madrid...?.
El 11-M se produjo durante el mandato de Aznar y su hombre fuerte en "asuntillos Islámicos..." era Gustavo de Aristigui, hijo de otro "casamentero con maronita..."
Una familia que siempre "aparece por arte de magia..." en todos los charcos...Unas veces en Líbano y las Falanges...otras veces en España con los de Marruecos...Dos atentados, uno contra la embajada de España en Líbano y el otro en MAdrid el 11-M. Dos incidentes, sin aclarar por completo la figura del ideólogo...
¿"Cuatro tetas han tirado más de las carretas extranjeras" que de los intereses de ESPAÑA....?
Meteros por donde os quepa esta España al servicio de intereses personales.
Me alegro que los ignorantes españoles se creyeran las mentiras que este "practicante de la ocultación..." les contó, así se entiende que aun anden buscando al ideólogo del 11-M, la mochila, la Canguro, el explosivo reforzado y la madre que los pario a todos los incultos que se creyeron los informes de éste alfabeto funcional, se lo merecen por ser incapaces de pensar por si solos....
¡¡Que!!, ¿Me vas a mandar a los cuatro matones con los que te paseas por la Gran Vía de Madrid...?, pues andateeee....con cuidado que tu padre no pudo acabar conmigo y tú, comparado con él, "eres un caracol chupaero para mi..."
Al-Emara Department Commission of Cultural Affairs Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan “Kandahar Operations”
Al-Emara Jihadi Studio
Audio and Video Department Commission of Cultural Affairs Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
“Kandahar Operations”
Kandahar Airfield Attack
Puppet Police Academy Attack
Helicopter Shotdown
Convoy of Security Company Attack
Las torturas también salpican a los soldados británicos en Irak
Baha Mousa, un recepcionista de un hotel de Basora, brutalmente asesinado no fue el único. Varios soldados británicos en Irak han sido acusados de matar y torturar a más civiles iraquíes en 2003. Hasta ahora, el caso de Mousa era el único que había ido a los tribunales.
Según informa el diario The Guardian este lunes, entre las víctimas hay un iraquí asesinado a golpes en un helicóptero de la RAF, un joven de 19 años que murió ahogado tras ser arrojado a un río, y otro muerto de un tiro después de verse involucrado en un accidente de tráfico.
Altos cargos del Ejército han solicitado la apertura de procesos contra los acusados, pero varios fiscales militares se han negado a hacerlo. Ni el Ministerio de Defensa, ni el Service Prosecution Authority se han pronunciado sobre el tema aún.
Muchos antecedentes
Reino Unido vuelve a verse involucrado en acusaciones de tortura, aunque esta vez no van contra los servicios secretos. El pasado mes de julio, el primer ministro británico, David Cameron, se comprometió a investigar cada denuncia contra el MI5 y el MI6 desde los atentados del 11-S.
El ministerio de Exteriores británico tiene pendientes hasta una decena de juicios con el mismo perfil. Británicos musulmanes detenidos en el extranjero por la inteligencia de su propio país y llevados a Guantánamo después ser interrogados y permitir que se forzara su confesión de pertenencia a Al Qaeda por medio de torturas.
El caso de Mousa parecía aislado, pero en julio, el Tribunal Supremo aseguró en julio que "hay testimonios bastante claros de que los maltratos a presos en las cárceles iraquíes era algo sistemático". La corte había estado estudiando las denuncias de 102 civiles iraquíes supervivientes de las prisiones regidas por los británicos y denunció "la habilidad de la policía militar para llevar a cabo investigaciones independientes", cita The Guardian.
Los magistrados manejaban denuncias de todo tipo. 59 presos aseguraban haber estado encapuchados durante su encierro; 11 fueron sometidos a electro shocks; 122 fueron obligados a llevar tapones de manera que no podían escuchar nada; 52 a los que se les privó de dormir; 39, obligados a permanecer desnudos; y las de otros 19 obligados a permanecer despiertos viendo vídeos pornográficos.
domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010
Selon l’Observatoire du nucléaire, l’enlèvement des sept français par AQMI serait une manœuvre de l’armée française
C’est une dépêche du Journal du Dimanche, publiée mardi dernier, qui rapporte le communiqué de l’Observatoire du nucléaire. Le document développe l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’Etat-major français aurait volontairement facilité l’enlèvement des employés en abaissant son seuil de vigilance, pour ensuite donner l’impression de sévir, et ainsi conserver le monopole de mines convoitées par la Chine. « Cet enlèvement permet à la France d’intervenir militairement dans cette zone et de protéger ainsi son accès aux mines d’uranium. Il faut rappeler que la majorité des réacteurs nucléaires français sont alimentés par l’uranium du Niger. Or la Chine, elle aussi avide d’uranium, a intensifié sa présence au Niger et concurrence la France pour l’accès aux réserves d’uranium » expose l’observatoire. Il est en effet utile de rappeler que le projet d’Areva de mine géante à Imouraren est d’une importance majeure pour l’avenir de l’industrie nucléaire française. Qui plus est, un putsch a eu lieu début 2010 au Niger et les nouveaux dirigeants du pays semblent moins soumis à l’ancien pays colonisateur qu’est la France.
Contacté par la rédaction de Mecanopolis, Stéphane Lhomme, directeur de l’Oservatoire du nucléaire, précise que si on « ne peut penser que les autorités françaises soient elles-mêmes à l’origine de la prise d’otage, par contre, le déroulement des faits poussent à se demander si tout n’a pas été préparé pour que cette prise d’otage si prévisible puisse se dérouler sans encombre ». « L’intervention de l’armée française au Niger a été organisée avec une étonnante rapidité. Il apparait d’ailleurs que les hommes et le matériel étaient prêts à l’avance à N’djamena (Tchad) ».
« Areva et les autorités françaises ont en effet été averties par différents biais que des menaces pesaient sur les salariés des mines d’uranium au Niger. Or, non seulement les mesures nécessaires de protection n’ont pas été mises en oeuvre mais, au contraire, Areva semble avoir refusé l’aide des autorités du Niger», indique encore M. Lhomme, avant de conclure : « Toutes proportions gardées, cette Guerre du Niger pour l’uranium est le pendant de la Guerre du Golfe menée par les USA pour le pétrole. Il est une nouvelle fois démontré que, outre les risques d’accident et la production de déchets radioactifs, le nucléaire a aussi des conséquences très néfastes sur la démocratie. »
Réda B., pour Mecanopolis
Pelotón de fusilamiento del ejercito de Pakistán....Ejecuciones de menores al margen de la ley
Estos niños, aunque fueran terroristas, deberian tener un jucio justo, pero no, aquí se aplica la misma Ley de los terroristas. Luego, nos cuentan "milongas...los del eje del bien..."
Viendo éstas imágenes...queda claro... por que hay tantos atentados suicidas, lo raro es que no sean más los que decidan morir matando en lugar de fusilados al amanecer, o...
¿Este ejercito o sus aliados utilizan a niños como éstos para convertirlos en niños-bomba en lugar de fusilarlos......? El tiempo lo demostrará, de estados terroristas se puede esperar cualquier cosa, y ninguna buena.
sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010
18 US invaders killed by Afghan Taliban in Gardez base attack
Reports arriving from Gardez city say that on Friday afternoon, at around 12:30 pm, 10 brave Afghan Taliban entered in a US invaders base located on Gardez-Khost main highway. Mujahideen entered the base when one of the hero of Islam, Samiullah, shot dead 3 guards at the gate and then blew up his explosive-laden Surf 4WD inside the base as a result of which 18 US invaders and their puppets were killed and then immediately after the rest of Mujahideen stormed into the base and opened fire at the enemy using heavy and light weapons. Reports say that at least 30 enemy terrorists were killed, 8 tanks along with a helicopter were also destroyed due to RPG fire. The assault came to an end at around 02:00 pm and Alhamdulillah 3 Mujahideen, a camera man, Organizer and another Mujahid came out alive and safely reached their bases while the others were Martyred. (Taliban website)
viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010
Cuando España negoció con Al-Qaeda la liberación de los españoles Sarkozy lo criticó, ahora Sarkozy está dispuesto a todo
A mi no me afectan éstos insultos viniendo de quién viene...hay un refrán español que dice: "No insulta el quiere, si no el que puede", ningún pelagatos nombrado por Sarkozy está EN CONDICIONES...DE INSULTAR A NADÍE.
Ahora, ¿que está haciendo el ministro de Defensa, Hervé Morin...?
Yo se lo voy a decir con otro refrán español: "Cuanto más bajas la cabeza, mas SE TE VE EL CULO".
Ya dije en este blog:
El que avisa no es traidor: inteligencia española, "ayudar en estos momentos a Francia...hacer de enlace con al-qaeda...no es aconsejable", según han publicado, comentado, hablado,discutido, en serio, en broma, propaganda, realidad,etc,etc...supuestos jihadistas...
Presuntamente, una vez que Francia ha dado el primer paso para liberar a los franceses, al-qaeda moverá pieza...en el comunicado de reivindicación dejan claro que no volverá a suceder lo mismo del mes de julio, advirtiendo de "las consecuencias de cometer cualquier locura".
Evidentemente, lo que están diciendo es que, los 5 ingenieros serán separados y llevados a lugares muy distantes...¿Níger, Malí, Mauritania,Sahara Occidental o Nigeria?.
Al-Qaeda en el Magreb ha emitido un comunicado: "Enfrentamientos con el ejército de Mauritania en el norte de Malí"
Esta es solo una foto del botín obtenido por la organización del Magreb.
En el comunicado hacen una relación minuciosa de las armas y otros materiales obtenido en dicho enfrentamiento, aunque lo mas importantes, en mi opinión, son los documentos incautados...unos documentos que comprometen muy seriamente, la seguridad de los agentes de Francia y otros países aliados...desplegados en la zona de Niger, Mauritania y Mali.
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010
Ataque contra empresas francesas en África
Al sur del Sáhara, los intereses estratégicos de París en África se encontraban este miércoles en situación crítica, aún peor que la generada el jueves pasado por el secuestro de cinco franceses en la región uranífera del norte de Níger. En la noche del martes al miércoles, mientras París reconocía seguir sin noticias de los cinco secuestrados, un comando abordó frente a las costas de Nigeria un buque de logística de la industria petrolera. No tocaron a 13 de los tripulantes, pero sí se llevaron a tres. Eran franceses.
SEGUIR LEYENDO en publico.es
Meet Mohammad Ilyas Kashmiri, the al Qaeda's new chief of operations
Meet Mohammad Ilyas Kashmiri, the jihadist network's new chief of operations who is thought to have masterminded the 2008 paramilitary raid on Mumbai.
Last month, the U.S. government added him to its list of designated terrorists that includes top al Qaeda leaders including Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri, still thought to be the No. 1 and No. 2 al Qaeda leaders. Kashmiri is a top target for the U.S. military and CIA field operatives around the world.
"Ilyas Kashmiri is clearly in the tradition of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, he is the heir to the position of global operational commander for al Qaeda," said Frances Townsend, White House director of homeland security during President George W. Bush's administration.
Bruce Riedel, a former senior CIA officer, said: "He certainly has to be regarded today as one of the top operational commanders of al Qaeda. Because of his connections in Pakistan, he brings capabilities that probably no one else has. Paramilitary experience, connections to the Pakistani army and the Pakistani intelligence service, he knows where the bodies are."
Kashmiri has been on the radar of the United States for the past few years. In 2009, the CIA thought it had killed Kashmiri in a drone strike in northwestern Pakistan. But the al Qaeda commander granted an interview to the Asia Times in October of that year in which he boasted that the rumors of his demise were false.
More recently, Kashmiri has emerged as a top threat to the West because of his connection to David Coleman Headley, an American arrested on terrorism charges in October for his role in helping to plot the Mumbai attacks in 2008 and conspiring to attack Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that published in 2005 cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad.
The indictment says Mr. Headley, an American citizen, met with Kashmiri in the Pakistani province of Waziristan in 2009. It also says that Kashmiri recommended contacts in Western Europe that could provide Mr. Headley "with money, weapons and manpower for the attack on the newspaper."
Those terrorist contacts in Western Europe have been the focus of major concern among U.S. intelligence agencies, according to two current intelligence officers and one former senior intelligence official interviewed for this article.
Mr. Riedel, author of the book "The Search for Al Qaeda: Its Leadership, Ideology and Future," also said of those contacts: "As far as we know, that [clandestine] team is still somewhere in Western Europe."
Kashmiri also has threatened Mumbai-style attacks in the West. In the interview from 2009 with the Asia Times, Kashmiri said in response to the question of whether the world should expect more Mumbai-like attacks: "That was nothing compared to what has already been planned for the future."
When asked if attacks are planned for Israel and the United States, Kashmiri said, "Saleem, I am not a traditional jihadi cleric who is involved in sloganeering. As a military commander, I would say every target has a specific time and reasons, and the responses will be forthcoming accordingly."
Kashmiri's signature commando-style attack is also different from the wave of recent threats inspired by Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born cleric who is credited with inspiring the attempted Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army officer who killed 13 people at Fort Hood during a shooting rampage in November.
While the English-language speakers that Mr. al-Awlaki inspires have attempted less complicated and cruder attacks, Kashmiri's signature is that of highly trained gunman taking over discrete areas. He is credited with planning the 2009 attack on Pakistan's equivalent of the Pentagon known as the General Headquarters, as well as the 2007 shooting assassination of former Pakistani President Benazir Bhutto.
Rep. Peter Hoekstra, Michigan Republican and ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said: "Awlaki has his trademark type of thing, he is trying to inspire maybe lone attackers these types of things. But what happened in Mumbai was from al Qaeda's standpoint a successful model. These people do not necessarily go in believing they will be suicide bombers, but they realize they will not come out alive. This is another model that al Qaeda can consider."
Bruce Hoffman, director of the Center for Peace and Security Studies at Georgetown University, said, "What makes [Kashmiri] so dangerous is that he did not come to terrorism directly; he served in the Pakistani military as a commander of their special operations units. He is a warrior who knows how to impart the skills he has learned to train and motivate people."
Kashmiri, who lost an eye fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, was a member of Pakistan's elite Special Services Group. He sealed his reputation when he allegedly escaped from an Indian jail in 1998. The Indian press has accused him of beheading Indian soldiers in Kargil in 2000.
In interviews with the South Asian press, he has said he studies closely the strategy of Vo Nguyen Giap, the North Vietnamese general who led the Vietnamese insurgency against the United States in the 1960s and early 1970s.
In some ways, Kashmiri is the perfect match in this case for Gen. David H. Petraeus, the commander NATO forces in the Afghanistan war. Gen. Petraeus studied the Vietnam War at Princeton University and wrote his thesis there on military influence in the wake of that war.
Mary Habeck, who was a special adviser for strategic planning for White House National Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley in the Bush administration, said Kashmiri considers himself mainly as a military strategist.
"He sees himself as the military strategist and that is all he wants to be. He does not concern himself with matters of policy or ideology. He leaves that to bin Laden, Zawahri and others. They set policy and he makes it happen."
Tres franceses han sido secuestrados en el golfo de Guinea
Varias lanchas rápidas atacaron un navío en un campo petrolero en el golfo de Guinea, aguas territoriales de Nigeria. Secuestraron a 3 de los 16 tripulantes, los tres franceses.
Sarkozy pasará a la historia de Francia como "el hijo de extranjeros" que acabó con los tres pilares de Francia: Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
El campo de batalla en una guerra de civilizaciones entre Oriente y Occidente...es el planeta entero...cuanto mayor es la presión más fuerte es la resistencia.
Actualmente hemos entrado en "el primer acto" de la guerra de guerrillas por todo el planeta. Ahora, no son los 100 terroristas de al-qaeda que se refugiaban en Afganistán, que dicho sea de paso...¡¡Hay que ser incompetentes para no acabar con ellos en 9 años..!!.
En finnn, no se si seguir escribiendo o dar un paseo a orillas del mar Mediterraneo, sentarme en una terraza, ver el paisaje iluminado por una luna espectacular mientras me fumo un cigarrillo rubio inglés, (lo único bueno que tiene los hijos de la Gran Bretaña) y olvidarme de todo éste asunto tan turbio y feo.
Para los que estén interesados en este "turbio asunto...", les recomiendo que se den un paseo por los escritos de Jean Guisnel, Le Point, 20 septembre 2010 "NIGER - La sécurité d'Areva entièrement assurée par d'anciens militaires français"
martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010
Al-Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico ha reivindicado el secuestro de 5 expertos nucleares franceses en Níger
En el audio, el portavoz Abu Mohamed dice:
"El pasado miércoles, un comando de los leones de Al-Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico, encabezado por Abu Zeid, logró capturar a cinco expertos nucleares franceses de la compañía Areva, en una zona de Niger rica en uranio, recursos que están siendo saqueados desde hace décadas por Francia. Nosotros comunicamos al Gobierno de Francia que próximamente anunciaremos nuestras legítimas demandas".
El Maqdisi arrested after meeting with two Algerian activists
According to people close to the Salafi leader, the security services had convened him at a late hour in the night of Friday, but he did not return back.
Some observers connect the arrest of El Maqdisi to the release of his latest book "Millat Ibrahim" (descendants of Abraham), which has raised the ire of Saudis.
In his introduction the author says, "I am innocent of what you worship besides Allah, your corrupt laws, ideologies, constitutions and principles, your rotten governments, courts, slogans and media.
Furthermore, and according to corroborating sources, the Jordanian security services have discovered the continuation of his relations with terrorist memberss. The latter was sighted a few days with a support group to the organization of the Salafi Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), who had contacted him in order to produce a new fatwa authorizing armed activities in Algeria, at the time when the Salafi current ulema produce fatwa prohibiting such activities in that country, the latest was that of Sheikh Ferkous.
El Maqdisi is known to have contradicted his own fatwas. After authirzing the armed activities in Algeria, he retracted and produce a fatwa prohibiting jihad in Algeria. El Maqdisi then called the elements of the GSPC to stop armed activities and attacks against their brethren.
According to information in our possession, El Maqdisi would have appointed Abu El Djazaïri Muslim member of the Legal Committee Site (Forum Tawhid and Jihad), official spokesperson of Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi, the spiritual father of the organization Al Qaeda, to sign on his behalf any document that would serve the terrorist organization, which confirms his involvement with unknown parties who want to keep the violence and bloodshed in Algeria.
Ennahar / Dalila B.
Book Millat ibrahim - Abu Muhammad Maqdisi
Book Democracy Religion - Abu Muhammad Maqdisi
Ultimas noticias de al-Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico
Portavoz en la red: Reportero Dawn*
*Reportero Dawn, fué el que reivindicó en los foros jihadistas el secuestro de los españoles. También publicó el comunicado de liberación de Alicia.
Blackwater/Xe está cometiendo ataques terroristas en Pakistán con bandera falsa de "talibanes paquistaníes".
Esto no es ninguna novedad. Los investigadores y analistas, que no escriben al dictado del miedo....hace tiempo que vienen denunciándolo.
Wayne Madsen escribe en Online Journal Contributing Writer, un interesantísimo árticulo titulado Blackwater/Xe cells conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan
Articulo completo en inglés:
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Sep 16, 2010, 00:22
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(WMR) -- WMR has learned from a deep background source that Xe Services, the company formerly known as Blackwater, has been conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan that are later blamed on the entity called “Pakistani Taliban.”
Only recently did the US State Department designate the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, a terrorist group. The group is said by the State Department to be an off-shoot of the Afghan Taliban, which had links to “Al Qaeda” before the 9/11 attacks on the United States. TTP’s leader is Hakimullah Mehsud, said to be 30-years old and operating from Pakistan’s remote tribal region with an accomplice named Wali Ur Rehman. In essence, this new team of Mehsud and Rehman appears to be the designated replacement for Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri as the new leaders of the so-called “Global Jihad” against the West.
However, it is Xe cells operating in Karachi, Peshawar, Islamabad and other cities and towns that have, according to our source who witnessed the U.S.-led false flag terrorist operations in Pakistan. Bombings of civilians is the favored false flag event for the Xe team and are being carried out under the orders of the CIA.
However, the source is now under threat from the FBI and CIA for revealing the nature of the false flag operations in Pakistan. If the source does not agree to cooperate with the CIA and FBI, with an offer of a salary, the threat of false criminal charges being brought for aiding and abetting terrorism looms over the source.
The Blackwater/Xe involvement in terrorist attacks in Pakistan have been confirmed by the former head of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), General Hamid Gul, according to another source familiar with the current Xe covert operations. In addition, Pakistani ex-Army Chief of Staff, General Mirza Aslam Beg, reportedly claimed that while serving as president, General Pervez Musharraf approved Blackwater carrying out terrorist operations in Pakistan. Blackwater has been accused of smuggling weapons and munitions into Pakistan.
Earlier this year WMR reported that ”intelligence sources in Asia and Europe are reporting that the CIA contractor firm XE Services, formerly Blackwater, has been carrying out ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia, the Sinkiang region of China, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq, in some cases with the assistance of Israeli Mossad and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) personnel . . . A number of terrorist bombings in Pakistan have been blamed by Pakistani Islamic leaders on Blackwater, Mossad, and RAW. Blackwater has been accused of hiring young Pakistanis in Peshawar to carry out false flag bombings that are later blamed on the Pakistani Taliban, also known as Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan. One such bombing took place during the Ashura procession in Karachi last month. The terrorist attacks allegedly are carried out by a secret Blackwater-XE/CIA/Joint Special Operations Command forward operating base in Karachi. The XE Services component was formerly known as Blackwater Select, yet another subsidiary in a byzantine network of shell and linked companies run by Blackwater/Xe on behalf of the CIA and the Pentagon. On December 3, 2009, the Pakistani newspaper Nawa-i-Waqtreported: ‘Vast land near the Tarbela dam has also been given to the Americans where they have established bases for their army and air forces. There, the Indian RAW [Research and Analysis Wing] and Israeli Mossad are working in collaboration with the CIA to carry out extremist activities in Pakistan.’”
The bombing of a CIA base in Khost, Afghanistan last December was blamed on the TTP but may have actually involved the covert Xe/CIA program to stage false flag attacks and something went drastically wrong with the operation that resulted in the deaths of seven CIA personnel, including the Khost station chief. The TTP was also linked to the failed Times Square “bombing” last May.
Responsibility for the recent bomb attack of a pro-Palestine Shi’a rally in Quetta that killed 54 people was claimed by the Pakistan Taliban, but it was actually carried out by one of the Xe covert cells in the country, acting in concert with the CIA, Israeli Mossad, and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). The ultimate goal is to destabilize Pakistan to the point where it has no choice but to allow the Western powers to secure its nuclear weapons and remove them from the country in a manner similar to the procurement by the West of South Africa’s nuclear weapons prior to the stepping down of the white minority government in the early 1990s.
WMR has been informed that any American, whether or not he or she holds a security clearance, is subject to U.S. national security prohibitions from discussing the U.S.- sponsored terrorist attacks in Pakistan. In one case, a threat was made against an individual who personally witnessed the Xe/CIA terrorist operations but is now threatened, along with family members.
Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.
Copyright © 2010 WayneMadenReport.com
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).
lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010
Révélations de la Résistance Islamique d'Europe
domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010
París ha comenzado a evacuar a sus ciudadanos de la "zona roja" del Sahel por el peligro de al-qaeda
Francia comienza a evacuar a sus ciudadanos después del secuestro de cinco franceses. Las embajadas aconsejan "marcharse"...las empresas también abandonan la "zona triple de conflicto"...etc. Y todo por ocultar a los ciudadanos franceses que "la cúpula de la inteligencia gala fué asesinada en la Operación fallida", lo mismo que le pasó a la de la Cia en Khost, pero como éstos políticos sionistas no dicen ni una sola verdad a sus ciudadanos, luego se enteran/nos y lo viven/vivimos en sus/nuestras propias carnes, cuando les dicen o nos dicen:
¡¡Peligro, peligro...!! No se puede ir a zonas con presencia de terroristas de al-qaeda!!.
La pregunta se hace inevitable: ¿ Me pueden decir donde narices no hay peligro...?.
No hace falta que respondan, la respuesta es clara y contundente:
El dinero, la libertad y la democracia de los occidentales termina en el portal o porteria de su/nuestra casa.
Los occidentales hemos perdido hasta nuestra dignidad por consentir las mentiras de las guerras privadas.
Tanto han jugado con el miedo...!!que vienen el lobo!!. Ahora ha venido de verdad y los ha cogido "in púribus".
Toda la información la pueden leer en francés:
Paris évacue ses ressortissants de la "zone rouge" du Sahel
PARIS (Reuters) - La France a commencé vendredi l'évacuation de ses ressortissants présents dans la "zone rouge" du Sahel où sont susceptibles d'opérer les activistes d'Al Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (Aqmi).
Niger : les ravisseurs et leurs otages seraient désormais au Mali
Le groupe armé et les cinq Français et deux Africains qu'il a enlevés dans le nord du Niger ont gagné le désert malien, a-t-on appris vendredi 17 septembre de sources sécuritaires nigériennes et algériennes. Appuyée par des moyens aériens, l'armée nigérienne s'était déployée depuis jeudi dans la zone. Les sept otages, travaillant pour les sociétés Areva et Satom (filiale du groupe Vinci), ont été enlevés jeudi matin près de mines d'uranium, dans la région d'Arlit, à 1 000 kilomètres au nord de Niamey. Selon une source proche de l'enquête nigérienne, les ravisseurs auraient bénéficié de "complicités" au sein du dispositif sécuritaire du site minier.
Arrivée à Roissy d'une demi-douzaine d'employés d'Areva de retour du Niger
Une demi-douzaine d'employés français du groupe Areva sont arrivés samedi matin à Roissy en provenance de Niamey, après la décision de leur entreprise d'évacuer tous ses expatriés du nord du Niger où cinq Français et deux Africains ont été enlevés jeudi, a-t-on appris auprès d'Areva.
sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010
Resistencia de Irak: Ejército Rashideen reivindica la muerte de un piloto de EE.UU. y otros dos resultaron heridos
Izzat Ibrahim Al Duri Comando Supremo de la Lucha y la Liberación
El año pasado publicó en español un interesante llamamiento a la Resistencia en la web oficial http://www.jabha-wqs.net donde podrán encontrar todos los partes de operaciones y otras noticias de interés.
Copiado literalmente:
“Vosotros que creéis! Tomad vuestras precauciones y salid a combatir en grupos o todos juntos. El Sagrado Corán
Hijos del gran pueblo iraquí, hijos de nuestra gloriosa nación, valientes luchadores, soldados de la resistencia patriótica, nacional e islámica en los ejércitos y brigadas del Comando Supremo de la Lucha y la Liberación, y en todos los demás grupos con sus diferentes nombres: a todos os saludo con el saludo eterno del Islam: paz con vosotros y la misericordia y bendición de Dios. Os saludo también con el saludo de la sagrada lucha: venid a luchar, venid al martirio. Os saludo con los saludos de la victoria completa y os digo las palabras de Alá: “¡Vosotros que creéis! Si ayudáis a Allah, Él os ayudará a vosotros y dará firmeza a vuestros pies” y “Si Allah os ayuda... no habrá quien pueda con vosotros,”, por lo tanto, sólo de Dios depende que seáis creyentes.
Camaradas en la fe, hermanos en la creencia en Dios, en la patria y en la lucha; en nombre del revolucionario, firme y combatiente Ba'ath y de sus queridos y generosos sacrificios, en nombre de sus honrados mártires, en nombre de los mártires del Comando Supremo de la Lucha y la Liberación, en nombre de los valientes y victoriosos mártires de la resistencia, en nombre de los mártires del pueblo y de la nación y, sobre todo, el mártir y Hajj supremo, el líder Sadam Husein (que Dios se apiade de su alma) y en nombre de todos los soldados de la valiente resistencia en este histórico enfrentamiento, os transmito las más cálida felicitaciones y las mejores bendiciones por vuestra gloriosa e histórica victoria contra la agresión y la invasión. Tengo el placer de informaros, honrados libertadores, que el día 30 de junio de 2009 es vuestro día de gloria, cuando vuestra apreciada victoria se encarna en la decisión del enemigo de huir de los campos de combate, decepcionado y vencido, para proteger a sus soldados que huyen a unas pocas bases limitadas y fortificadas creyendo que se librarán de vuestras heroicas batallas e inspirados ataques, en la decisión de permanecer mientras puedan en nuestro país, Iraq, y de proporcionar una cobertura psicológica y moral a sus agentes para que implementen aún más su criminal proyecto.
Anuncio en vuestro nombre las buenas noticias, las felicitaciones y bendiciones a nuestro glorioso pueblo que os abrazó y dio cuanto necesitabais para la gloriosa victoria: sus queridos hijos, su dinero, sus propiedades y su apoyo moral. Fue y sigue siendo el proceloso mar por el que navegasteis para haceros con vuestro enemigo y matarlo; es la profundidad de vuestra estrategia a largo plazo, sus hombres y mujeres, su historia y su geografía, y la santidad de su causa lo que hizo la nueva y gloriosa historia.
Os informo, hombres y mujeres de la resistencia, a quienes la apoyáis, a sus amigos y a su bendito entorno, que el enemigo invasor y ocupante ha huido de nuestra tierra y nunca jamás volverá a la lucha. Les habéis enseñado una dura lección que les perseguirá durante siglos. Hoy el enemigo se tambalea al borde del colapso total desde su propio interior si no es consciente de su amarga verdad en Iraq, admite su horrible crimen y se precipita a su retirada total e inmediata, y devuelve Iraq a su legítimo pueblo: la resistencia en todos sus tipos y formas, armada o no armada.
En este histórico día anunciamos a la nueva administración imperialista que también mintió a su pueblo y decidió participar en el mismo crimen de su antecesor, le anunciamos en vuestro nombre, revolucionarios libres, y en el nombre del orgulloso pueblo iraquí, el pueblo del heroísmo y del sacrificio, que nosotros, con la ayuda de Dios el más fuerte, convertiremos sus bases milites en sus tumbas y haremos que entren en erupción volcanes bajo sus pies.
Por consiguiente, el Comando Supremo de la Lucha y la Liberación, y el Comando General de las valientes Fuerzas Armadas ha decidido que todos los esfuerzos de la lucha se van a dirigir contra los invasores (las imperialistas fuerzas estadounidenses ahí donde se encuentren en la tierra iraquí) y que prohibimos tajantemente matar o luchar contra cualquier iraquí en todo los aparatos del Estado del ejército, la policía, el aparato de Despertar y la administración, excepto en casos de defensa propia y si algunos agentes y espías de estos aparatos tratan de enfrentarse a la resistencia. Entonces, en esos casos, recurriremos a lo que dice el Altísimo: Y combatid en el camino de Allah a quienes os combatan a vosotros pero no os propaséis; es cierto que Allah no ama a los que se exceden”.
Invitamos también a todas las facciones de la resistencia a que sean pacientes y sufran el mal de los pocos miembros malos en estos aparatos por los buenos que son muchos, y también que intensifiquen todos los esfuerzos del combate contra los invasores y los restos desmoronados que quedan de ellos. También invitamos a nuestros hijos y hermanos en estos aparatos a que cooperen y se coordinen con sus hermanos luchadores en la resistencia, de acuerdo con su situación, sus capacidades y deseos, para destruir a los invasores y a los restos desmoronados que quedan de ellos. Os invitamos, queridos camaradas y hermanos, a que seáis extremadamente prudentes con los planes del enemigo y sus sucios proyectos de dañar a la resistencia, su unidad, sus creencias y objetivos. Unámonos todos al objetivo de la unidad de la resistencia en el campo de batalla y a los siguientes sagrados principios que enumeramos a continuación:
Primer principio: una resistencia continua y cada vez mayor hasta la liberación completa y total de nuestro amado país, cuando se vaya el último de los soldados de la ocupación, y la devolución de la patria a su pueblo legítimo, la resistencia en todas sus formas y colores, armada y no armada. Esta querida victoria se ha convertido ahora en una realidad sobre el terreno en Iraq.
Segundo principio: la liberación total y completa no significa negociar con el enemigo aunque cueste décadas de lucha hasta que el enemigo reconozca los principios de la resistencia y sus condiciones, que son las siguientes:
Primera: anunciar de la retirada total de Iraq,
Segunda: reconocer a la resistencia descrita en este comunicado como la única representante legítima del pueblo iraquí.
Tercera: liberar de todos los prisioneros y detenidos sin excepción,
Cuarta: vuelta al servicio activo del ejército y de las fuerzas de seguridad de acuerdo con las leyes y regulaciones nacionales en vigor antes de la ocupación,
Quinta: reconocer el abyecto crimen de la ocupación y prometer compensar a Iraq por todo el daño que le ha infligido la ocupación o que ha sufrido por su causa
Sexta: la extradición de los agentes y traidores que cometieron violaciones, asesinatos y desplazamientos contra el pueblo de Iraq y su valerosa resistencia, para que sean juzgados por lo que cometieron.
Repetimos la invitación al buen pueblo que estuvo implicado en el proceso político de inteligencia, el peligroso instrumento en manos de las ocupaciones imperialista-sionista e iraní-safávida, os invitamos a que os aliéis con el pueblo iraquí y la resistencia... Ya basta de experiencias y aspiraciones que están muy lejos de lo que ellos exigen y desean; ya basta de engañar y manipular a su pueblo si verdaderamente están contra la ocupación y la rechazan.
Estos hermanos, nuestro gran pueblo iraquí, y los colegas de la policía, el ejército, la seguridad y el aparado de Despertar deberían saber que el proceso político ha sido aprobado totalmente en interés del proyecto iraní y sus agentes han empezado a preparar este proyecto con los estadounidenses imperialistas sionistas y todos los enemigos de nuestro pueblo y nación. El proyecto tratará de hacerse con el control de Bagdad y continuar a continuación con las provincias del país que se han opuesto a los persas y a sus planes contra Iraq y la nación, en todas las provincias del sur, el centro y el norte. La resistencia tiene que ser muy prudente, estar alerta y preparada para la batalla, y dejarse de son de tambores, de palabrería de charlatán y de encubrir los fallos y defectos. Estados Unidos ha pagado un precio muy alto por este proyecto al haber planeado compartir el botín con Irán. Es Estados Unidos quien está ahora detrás de este proyecto y lo apoya con todas sus fuerzas; quienes todavía no leen, escriben, oyen y ven sabrán ahora esta verdad, el mañana no está lejos: “El día en que a los injustos no les servirán de nada sus disculpas y tendrán la maldición y la mala morada.”
En esta ocasión me dirijo también a mis queridos hermanos los dirigentes árabes y a continuación a los hombres libres de la nación y a las personas de corazón del mundo por medio de sus partidos políticos y de sus organizaciones populares y profesionales, y afirmo que todo lo que está ocurriendo hoy en Iraq tras la derrota del imperialismo y de sus aliados, su lucha y el reconocimiento de su fracaso y pérdida, y su decisión final de salir de Iraq, antes del devastador colapso que han creado con su primer aliado estratégico en la tarea (de la ocupación y destrucción de Iraq), el Irán safávida, no el Irán musulmán, el vecino revolucionario, con su engañosa consigna, y la consigna de sus agentes y mercenarios, árabes y no árabes, lo acordaron con Irán como premio a sus esfuerzos, sin los cuales el imperialismo sionista no habría sido capaz de ocupar Iraq y no habría sido capaz de permanecer en su tierra durante todo este tiempo. Les han dado Iraq tras garantizar el reparto de cuanto querían al invadir Iraq, en el aspecto político, militar, económico y de seguridad. El proyecto iraní empezará después de que las fuerzas invasoras abandonen las ciudades sobre la base de la falta de seguridad y de los ataques a los chiíes. Es el mismo proyecto persa imperialista sionista que creó todas las premisas de los asesinatos y masacres de nuestro pueblo inocente, chiíes, suníes, árabes, kurdas, turcomanas, musulmanes, cristianos y sabienos, para crear una justificación para el control por parte de los agentes iraníes en Iraq. Debería darles vergüenza, debería dar vergüenza a Estados Unidos. Si Dios quiere demostraremos a Faraoh y Haman aquello a lo que temen.
Queridos hermanos dirigentes árabes, ¿cómo podría el imperialismo estadounidense y el sionismo mundial olvidar lo que Irán les había ofrecido, esto es, masacrar Iraq y apuñalar a la nación en el corazón? Daré sólo uno de los muchos ejemplos de lo que Irán ha ofrecido: ha enviado a miles de persas safávidas a Iraq afirmando que han sido obligados a salir, expulsados o desplazados, cuando habían sido adiestrados especialmente para implementar el proyecto iraní safávida en Iraq. Algunos de ellos son la Brigada Al-Quds en las fuerzas de seguridad y en los escuadrones de la muerte que han masacrado a un millón y medio del pueblo iraquí, el pueblo del panarabismo y del mensaje eterno, y el crimen continúa a un ritmo cada vez mayor que ha llevado al desplazamiento de más de seis millones y medio de iraquíes dentro y fuera de Iraq.
Irán ha anulado a más de la mitad del pueblo iraquí en todos los aspectos de la vida en su lucha contra los invasores por medio de su brutalidad, asesinatos, abusos y Fatwas religiosas.
Irán, de acuerdo con Estados Unidos y el sionismo desmanteló el renacimiento cultural iraquí en todos sus aspectos. Decenas de fábricas y proyectos fueron desmantelados y enviados a Irán con la ayuda de sus agentes y aliados. Y es Irán quien está dirigiendo y apoyando el proyecto de ocupación en Iraq al apoyar el proceso político por todos los medios de apoyo material y moral. ¿Nadie se da cuenta de que el proceso político es una parte esencial del proyecto de los ocupantes? ¿Nadie se da cuenta de que los gobiernos de Al-Jafari, al-Maliki y Al-Hakeem no son más que agencias y gobiernos traidores que ayudan a la ocupación a implementar sus proyectos y objetivos? ¿Cómo es posible que Irán luche contra el imperialismo estadounidense, el Gran Satán, mientras está sirviendo a su proyecto imperial en Iraq en la Nación Árabe? ¿Cómo es posible que Irán quiera luchar contra Israel y arrojarlo al mar al mismo tiempo que se alía en secreto con Estados Unidos e Israel para masacrar a Iraq y a su pueblo? ¿No recordáis el Irangate? ¿O lo habéis olvidado debido a todo el son de tambores, la palabrería del charlatán y a los engaños?
En nombre del pueblo iraquí y de la Nación Árabe desde el océano Atlántico hasta el Golfo, presento hoy ante vosotros estos hechos y confío en vuestra responsabilidad. Sabed que la Historia es implacable.
Por Dios, lo he informado, por Dios atestigua
Por Dios, lo he informado, por Dios atestigua
Izzat Ibrahim Al Duri
Comando Supremo de la Lucha y la Liberación
Finales de junio de 2009
Why Defection is so High Among the Police and Army?
Shawwal 06, 1431 A.H, Thursday, September 16, 2010
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
American generals who train Afghan police and soldiers admit, they have problems in recruiting and training policemen and soldiers. Security circles of the stooge Kabul Administration also confirm these reports. One of the problems is the growing trend of defection among the ranks of the Afghan security forces, which is now reaching at more than 20%. American General William Kalduwil, who heads police and soldiers training program, says, the accelerating rate of defections among the recruits has had a negative impact on endeavors to meet training and recruitment goals.
Spokesmen of the Kabul Administration Defense Ministry admits the trend, but says the number is insignificant. On the other hand, those policemen and soldiers who have deserted police and army, speak of high rate of defections. They confirm that many policemen and soldiers want to join the forces of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. They say, their deployment at the frontlines of battles and low salaries are main reasons for their defections.
Zabiullah Bukhari and Kamal, former soldiers of the so-called National Army, who have now deserted, say: fear of Taliban, low salary, armed clashes with Taliban and security problems during commuting to the site of duty, were reasons that compelled them to quit the duty. Americans are trying to distort facts surrounding the events of defections among the stooge security forces, but the Afghan Mujahid and Muslim people know and the military experts of the West and the world are now of the opinion that America and her allies are facing defeat in the war of Afghanistan. They have two options: either to defect or face death. There is no third option left for the stooge forces.
It is also a matter of pondering that how can the soldiers and policemen trained by the Americans who are themselves facing defeats at the hands of the Mujahideen, be expected to excel in combat than their trainers, the Americans. Furthermore, there are some committed and faithful soldiers among the ranks of the enemy that time and again turn barrels of their guns towards the invading Americans and other aggressors. Through killing or injuring the invaders, they themselves either lay down their lives during the bout or escape the scene scotch free.
The Mujahideen are no match with the invading Americans in terms of weapons and logistics but still the most sophisticated army of the world retreat in battle fields versus the empty- handed Mujahideen. The invaders see no capability in themselves to outface the lions of the path of Truth, nor their surrogate soldiers and police men are in a position to turn the tide. This means only material power is not enough for victory. Rather, belief, determination, legitimate cause and stand contribute to victory over a powerful foe even if the devoted combatants are weak from the point of material facilities.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
SOURCE: alemarah
Ex-CIA Agents Confirm Torture at Polish Black Site
The Szczytno-Szymany airport in northeastern Poland, close to the suspected black site prison (2005 photo).
Former CIA agents have confirmed rumors that the agency tortured terror suspects at a detention center in Poland. One agent allegedly held a drill to a prisoner's head while he was naked and hooded.
Former CIA agents have confirmed for the first time that the agency tortured prisoners at a "black site" detention center in north-eastern Poland at the height of the war on terror. According to the Associated Press, a former CIA agent identified only as "Albert" tortured the terror suspect Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri multiple times with an electric drill at the converted Stare Kiejkuty military base near Szymany in the Masuria region of Poland.
Al-Nashiri is the suspected mastermind behind one of the first large al-Qaida attacks, which targeted the US destroyer USS Cole in the Gulf of Aden in October 2000. According to former CIA agents who prefered to remain anonymous, Albert tortured the suspect for two weeks in December 2002. The claim is backed up by a review by the CIA's inspector general, which reads: "The debriefer entered the detainee's cell and revved the drill while the detainee stood naked and hooded."
Read entire article
Resistencia de Irak: Combatientes del ejército nacionalista Naqshbandi emite video de ataques contra los ocupantes
Este VIDEO es del día 16 de septiembre 2010. Destrucción de un blindado americano cerca de Bagdad.
For years, America’s military has been divided, competent military professionals and patriots on one side and Christian Zionists, loyal to Israel and addicted to a propaganda “dreamworld” on the other. Americans sat, on 9/11, with their military “asleep at the switch,” their president in a daze and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, perhaps out of confusion, we may never know, talking about airliners being shot down and the Pentagon being attacked by missiles. Yes, he said these things, things he couldn’t “unsay” but things the press showed once and quickly buried. Something terribly wrong happened, something years in planning, but not planned in a cave in Afghanistan. Everywhere investigators look, one thing pops up, Israel. The moment that door is opened, it is slammed shut, often with threats, often with more than threats.
We may never know the full extent of the brutality used against those who have spoken up. We know that Arab leaders can be assassinated anywhere, any time. America will remain silent and the news will always support Israel. Israel owns the news.
What about the “suicided” British scientist Dr. David Kelly, the man responsible for moving the Israeli nukes out of South Africa? Reliable sources tell us he was ready to come forward with the facts about a massive political scandal, a cover-up of lost nuclear weapons, blackmail and bribery.
Do we really believe that there are so many unlucky United States senators? Crashes of small aircraft has done more to control the US Senate than any election, control used to set the stage for a generation of wars. With AIPAC capable of buying any election, capable, willing and doing it, not an American organization at all but a lobby for a foreign government, one that likes America “not so much” as we are lead to believe, is representative government in the United States dead? When someone swears an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, is it meaningless when the government itself is no longer “American?”
Control of America, or, more appropriately, control of America’s vast military, tired and worn as it is, represents the key to ruling the world. Fooling the people, buying the government and duping America’s military through infiltrating every level of critical decision making and communications is a task, not only attempted but one long since accomplished. Problem is, even with, not only control of the press, but powerful news organizations directly under foreign control like Fox News, word is getting out.
The American people are afraid, they see disaster coming. Everyone is waiting to see what city is chosen to be sacrificed. Will it be Phoenix or Sacramento or perhaps Atlanta? This is the real fear, the “not so secret” fear in the heart of every American.
When and if it happens, Americans are not so willing to believe a few goat herds in a cave 8000 miles away planned it, not anymore.
Why do you think Senator Lieberman has demanded a “kill switch” on the internet? Why do you think “censorship czar” Cass Sunstein has asked to have accusations of Israeli complicity in 9/11 made a criminal act and openly advocated infiltration of groups pushing for an honest investigation. Who is the real “conspiracy theorist” now?
With thousands of of military and intelligence officials, retirees openly, others hiding their rage, aware of the decades of Israeli spying and the 9/11 cover-up, this divide has never been so strong. What we don’t know is how many serving today have the personal courage to speak out openly. Now the threat is nuclear weapons, not just a “shoebox dirty bomb” but full sized nukes, the weapons we have been hunting for years, claiming Saddam was prepared to use them “at 45 minutes notice,” the same nukes “sent to Syria by ambulance.” They could be anywhere and anyone could be ready to use one. There is only one possible culprit capable of doing this, however, only one country with something to gain and the willingness to act.
“We have hundreds of nuclear warheads and missiles that can reach different targets in the heart of the European continent, including beyond the borders of Rome, the Italian capital… our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us.” (Israeli military historian, Martin van Creveld)
Today, America may be facing the nuclear holocaust Creveld describes and there is no reason to trust that our military, intelligence and law enforcement, the dozens of agencies, bureaus and commands tasked with defending America are
willing to do so if the attack comes from Israel. In fact, some leaders, even a former head of the Department of Homeland Security, could be on a list of those that might be one of the America’s greatest terrorist threats. How can perceptions differ so much? If perceptions are based on information and that information is pure propaganda, consistent, continual and skillfully presented, not only in news format but reinforced in movies, television series and anyone publicly questioning the “message “is attacked and destroyed, and they are, perceptions can be assumed to be false.
Thus, the general basis for the public’s ideas about who Israel is, what Zionism advocates and what Islam is really about will be unreliable. When you add control of universities, all academic publishing and even total disruption of free speech, the most extreme ideas can be accepted as fact. They have been.
A substantial evidentiary trail exists that places Israel’s possible involvement in 9/11 on the table, with dozens of suspects questioned and more and more of the “facts” about 9/11 now proving, as with the Kennedy assassinations, to be lies.
Real theories, not “conspiracy” tell us that 9/11 was planned to get America to attack Iraq, part of Israel’s long term strategy for the region, leaving them, not only the only nuclear power, but an armed aggressor afloat in a sea of broken nations occupied by American troops, troops who take orders from politicians who take orders from Israel. However, after the massive Bush administration blunders in Iraq and Afghanistan and the virtual destruction of a military incapable of sustaining a decade long war, the planned Israeli attack using American troops, again, isn’t moving forward as we all know it was planned to.
This time, after America was so badly burned, pushed by the Bush security team, almost all Israeli citizens, many of them still around, running America for Obama, into two insane “Vietnams” it will take more than 3000 murders. With the “duping of America” over 9/11 coming unraveled, something horrendous is in the planning. There is an obvious next step and it has to be nuclear. Anything less would bring an outcry against Israel immediately. Only the “unthinkable” combined with a strong public relations campaign and a cover story with a “do it yourself” terrorist group, like so many of the “just add water” terrorist organizations the Mossad has organized for just such an occasion, will sell the lie, this and the press, not just in America but the other real voice of Israel, the BBC.
The stories about the mobile labs, the “yellow cake” uranium were lies, pap fed to a willing and complicit press. However, the threats are real but how does America protect herself when those tasked with that duty turn a blind eye to the biggest threat. In 1967, Israel was allowed to kill or wound 201 of 296 Americans on the USS Liberty. Surviving crewmen are still threatened by Israeli security for speaking up, as Philip Tourney and his wife will gladly tell you. Captain McGonagle, who won the Medal of Honor working to save his crew from hours of brutal attacks, cried out for justice to his dying day. The American military stood silent as it did on 9/11, as it did on that day in 1967 and as it may have done many times since.
Those among America’s military in 1967, those willing to send the planes from the carriers America and Saratoga to bomb Egypt on behalf of Israel received the thanks of a grateful nation. Too bad that nation was not the United States of America. Only when Israel informed Washington that it had failed to both sink the USS Liberty and effect a takeover of the ship, killing the entire crew, did Admiral McCain order planes headed toward Egypt to return. It had been previously believed these planes were meant to help the USS Liberty.
We have since been reliably informed by sources within the Navy that the planes were armed for ground attack. Thus, as early as 1967, America was willing to see its own troops butchered “for the good of Greater Israel.” Proof of this is incontrovertible and witnesses on both the Liberty and Saratoga have come forward.
We will never know for sure, what secrets are stolen, what weapons given, what enemies aided, what American interests betrayed. With dozens of organizations demanding 9/11 be investigated and the lowest estimate of those who no longer believe the cover story at 30%, not a single active duty military officer, not one member of congress nor a single member of the mainstream press has said a word about it. How can thousands of prominent Americans demand that their country begin defending itself and it be covered up? Who has that power?
America has lost at least 6 nuclear weapons since 1990, maybe more, not Russia or some “breakaway republic,” once part of the Soviet Union. 3 were American hydrogen bombs off Somalia, no longer usable but with enough plutonium in them to build many fission weapons. 3 more were part of 9 produced by Israel in South Africa back in the 80s, all supposedly sent to America for dismantling. 3 of the containers were filled with concrete blocks. They had been consigned to “friends of Israel” for shipment and were stolen from an unguarded facility in Oman after having been abandoned for months. This would be a wild claim if we hadn’t interviewed those involved in the project and been made privy to a well documented and detailed history of the operation.
These “unattributable” nukes have only one purpose, to be used in a terrorist attack on the United States, a “false flag” attack, to drive America to attack Iran and Pakistan.
How many loyal Americans, FBI, Homeland Security and other agencies are searching the nation, warehouses, ports, looking for the blue 20 foot shipping containers? How many “dual citizens” are tasked with some other purpose? Are our “protectors” really “ours” or do they work for the same pack that bought our congress? Will we find out when a mushroom cloud appears over one of our cities?
Today, America is facing the biggest threat since World War 2. Nothing will be in the news, nothing will ever be in the news, not the truth anyway. When it happens, the news will be ready, like on 9/11 when it was called on to talk Arabs and box cutters, a childish conspiracy theory millions still believe. It was ready to talk weapons of mass destruction and when that turned out to be a lie, it was ready to sit silent for its complicity in war crimes. “War crimes” seems like a harsh term but the definition fits. Invading Iraq on, not a whim, but a series of lies orchestrated by a criminal conspiracy is a war crime. Less obvious to many, the takeover of Afghanistan as a drug production facility or a base for destabilizing Pakistan or an operation center for gas pipelines, whichever reason you choose, was justified by lies as serious as those used to justify Iraq.
For those who follow such things, real leaks are proving two things:
- Osama bin Laden never stopped working for the Central Intelligence Agency and their “regional affiliates.”
- Bin Laden was murdered to silence him after 9/11 just as Benzir Bhutto was murdered to silence her.
Real news never reaches America, news that shows terrorism, corporate banditry and the biggest drug cartel in history, tied to American allies, some Muslim but one worse than all combined, Israel. Even today, the mythology of “threatened” Israel and the rockets raining down on their cities, all imagination, is still believed by many in our military. When 9/11 came, be it radio controlled planes, missiles, controlled demolition, our military was on “stand down,” ordered to let the attacks move forward and then roll across the Middle East, an Army hijacked by Israel to help them start their long planned world conquest. Today, America basks in defeat and humiliation and Israel laughs.
We have continual debates about religion in the military. Should Christian sects be able to force troops to prayer? Is America a Christian nation, is this what the founding fathers meant? What if, lets say, these sects were not loyal to the United States but rather constituted a national threat? Is an officer belonging to a Christian Zionist church likely to pass secrets on to Israel? Will they obey orders from the Mossad above their own commanders? Will an Christian Zionist with nuclear access follow his religious calling and cause a nuclear war to bring about Armageddon?
What if their power in the military was that great, part of a systematic infiltration of the military through an extremist take-over of the chaplain’s services and eventually admissions and curriculum of the service academies themselves? What else could explain the total silence we have seen when torture, kidnapping, illegal invasions and “stand downs” to allow terrorist attacks are the norm. How many officers have violated the Geneva Convention, their oaths and the Uniform Code of Military Justice because they felt obliged to a “higher power” to exhibit extreme cruelty, cleansing the world of “infidels?”
Those in the military that feel, as Christians, they are tied to Israel, have lost their minds. Islam and Judaism are much closer than Christianity and Judaism. With the advent of the trinity, both Jews and Muslims see Christians as, not only polytheistic, worshiping 3 gods, not one, but idolaters as well. To both Jews and Muslims, these issues alone are enough to make Christianity an enemy. Islam, a religion totally based on Judaism, an Abrahamic faith, built on the foundation of the books of Moses, sees itself as a reform movement stressing moral values as outlined in the Koran and the teachings of the prophet, Mohammad (peace be on him).
To a Christian with a real education, the struggle between the Jews and Muslims is a “family matter.” Jews are the beloved children of Islam who have yet to accept the reforms that defined the true religion. We must remember, without Judaism and g-d’s covenant with Israel, there would be no Islam. Christianity is seen as a Hellenistic bastardization of biblical teachings watered down to sell to the pagan Roman empire. You won’t hear it, not publicly, but it is exactly what is taught to every student, Jew, Muslim, this is their belief.
Muslims have “jihad” and Jews were chosen by g-d to rule the world. 90% of the most serious accusations each makes of the other are, actually, part of the religion of both, only Jews are much better at public relations. After all, they own 90% of the world’s media, print, broadcast, even much of the internet. How do we trust military leaders who don’t know that “goyim” means “cattle?” If you are “cattle” and you believe those who see you as such are your best friends, you are not dealing with reality. Perhaps we should teach The Scorpion and the Toad at West Point. This should be the start of the first day’s lecture on America’s Strategic Security in the 21st Century:
The scorpion, in the course of a long journey, encounters a river. The scorpion cannot swim and so he is momentarily stymied until he spies the toad, on the opposite river bank. “Toad!” the scorpion calls out, “will you please let me ride on your back to the other side of the river because, you see, I cannot swim.” “No way,” replied the toad, “if I let you ride on my back you will sting me!” To which the scorpion replied, “But if I am riding on your back and I sting you then we will both die because I cannot swim.” After thinking on it for a moment or two the toad agrees, swims over to the opposite bank of the river where the scorpion jumps onto his back and he turns to swim to the other side. When the toad, with the scorpion riding on his back, gets to the middle of the river, the scorpion stings him. “Scorpion!” Exclaimed the toad, “Why did you sting me? Now we both die.”
“Because it is in my nature.” Was the scorpion’s response.
Should we be sick of watching our troops walk through poppy fields, knowing the heroin being produced is destroying the United States, filling our prisons but, at the same time, filling the pockets of, well who? Who is getting a cut of the $65 billion dollars a year earned from the partnership in Afghanistan? Israel is the money end, the CIA does transportation, the Afghan government runs production, but who does distribution? Do the planes really land on military bases? We have already found bales of cash leaving Afghanistan heading for Dubai.
This is only a small part of the money involved. It is this money, combined with the billions we give Israel, the billions they take out of the American economy through control of the Federal Reserve System (a quasi-governmental scheme of banks with Rothschild lineage that control America) that makes it impossible to get honest news, elect honest politicians and even trust our own military.
In fact, a large majority of Americans openly admit, on every opinion poll, that they don’t trust our congress, our president or any American institution. Nobody asks them why. Would they know? Is it because a foreign country controls our banks, our news, our congress, our military , our foreign policy? Is it because the only reason politics exist in America is so the greedy can line up at the trough, not caring who is pouring the slop, as long as they get theirs first.
No American has a clue where President Obama came from. Many believe he is foreign born, many more think he is Muslim and some believe he is a space alien. In 250 years, documents will be declassified that will either prove or disprove that former President Bush belonged in prison, not the White House, guilty of, not AWOL (absent without leave) but desertion during wartime. There is no reasonable doubt of his guilt, only that he used his power to prevent arrest and prosecution. After 9/11, no more questions were asked, and no more witness had to receive new homes, fat government jobs or have mysterious heart attacks.
For the Bush years, it was made clear that a military career had to be built on loyalty to Israel, even though their nuclear arsenal and their ethnic cleansing of Palestine are the root of every conflict confronting America today. There is no military alliance with Israel. America has no potential enemies. In fact, every nation in the region is either controlled by the United States, occupied or frightened to death. Iran trying to stand against America is the equivalent of Denmark standing against Hitler’s blitzkrieg.
The view of the state of affairs taught our military is childishly stupid. How many of our military leaders are childishly stupid also?
- It’s so strong you wouldn’t believe now. We have the Israelis coming to us for equipment. We say we can’t possibly get the Congress to support that. They say, ‘Don’t worry about the Congress. We will take care of the Congress.’ Now this is somebody from another country, but they can do it. They own. you know, the banks in this country, the newspapers. Just look at where the Jewish money is.[1]
Although he was reprimanded by President Gerald Ford to apologize and pressured to resign his post, Brown finished out his term under President Jimmy Carter. Brown’s comments at Duke and subsequent reprimand by President Ford were reported on the front page of The Washington Post on Nov. 13, 1974, and Nov. 14, 1974, respectively. Brown also predicted that Iran would soon become an important military power in the Middle East.
Brown was known for the directness of his speech, which sometimes offended those around him. Asked once to comment on his opinion of the British Armed Forces, Brown replied, “The British? All they have are generals, admirals and bands.”
My main fear at the moment is that the Zio clan’s getting mighty nervous with the recent rising awareness of 9/11 truth. It’s very likely they’ll soon need to launch another false flag to stem the tide. They’re getting desperate; it’s now a matter of survival for them; these traitorous scum know that once the truth leaks out they’ll all surely hang.
I read a recent piece on TruthSeeker that the Israeli “art students” are back with a vengeance, setting up their kiosks (intel outposts, of course) in malls across our country. Guess what: I was out at our local mall here in Mission Viejo just yesterday. Yup; there’s a booth set up where there wasn’t one before, and one of the two guys manning it (surprise: wearing a Yamulka!) was seated on a chair outside the kiosk reading a book. I walked by and snuck a peek. Hebrew.
They’re back alright. I smell something nasty in the air. I hope I’m wrong, because the next one’s going to be a dirty device in a major metro area. And of course, it’ll be pinned on Iran in order to facilitate the next step in the Grand Plan.
Incidentally (and I’m sure you’re aware), it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Koran-burning spectacle by that twit of a pastor was an engineered event meant to steer attention away from the vast number of 9/11 events underway on the 9th annniversary
(well known name withheld)